Chapter 22

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Kylo Ren's point of view

When I saw his throat turn bloody, I panicked. I grabbed the first cloth I could find and tried to apply it to the wound. She beat me to it and used the Force to heal herself.

-It's nothing, I'm used to it. She informed me with a sad smile.

That's when I noticed the scar on either side of her neck. I stepped forward and carefully touched the pinkish surface of this ancient wound.

Elara's point of view

Her fingers brushed over my scar, running over the part I had just healed. A shiver ran down my spine and her black orbs trapped mine.

-Who did this to you?

-It's in the past.

-I'd rather hear it from you than delve into your thoughts Starlight. It's better for both of us. he said.

-It was long before I entered Jedi school. I began, massaging. My parents were slaves on the planet Kessel, I had just turned sixteen when I first used the Force to protect my best friend. I didn't know that one of the guards would take him back to our masters. They took me from my family and sold me on the black market to a wealthy Tatooine trader. Like all slaves, I was forced to wear a shock collar. When I didn't obey, did something he didn't like, or couldn't use the Force when he ordered me to, my new master had a nasty habit of electrocuting me for a few minutes. But one day, shortly after I turned 17, he left it on too long, burning my skin and rendering me almost speechless.

I stopped for a moment and put my hand on the scar. Kylo Ren sat cross-legged and took me in his arms. He motioned for me to continue and put his arms around my stomach. His thumbs made soothing circles on my skin.

-Seeing no point in keeping a semi-mute slave and not knowing how to use the Force properly, he put me up for sale. It was there that Luke Skywalkers found me and chewed me up. He managed to repair my vocal cords, but he couldn't remove the burn mark, leaving my skin very fragile. I said in a broken voice.

He didn't answer and just made tender circles on my skin. Gently, he turned me towards him and placed a cloud of kisses on my entire scar.

-I'm sorry. I won't touch your neck again. he said, his head still buried in my neck.

I sighed and put my hand on his head. I stroked it gently until he pulled away from me. He left the room quickly and returned with a pile of clothes. He handed them to me with a smile.

-Put this on, please Starlight.

I took the clothes and he pulled away, I put them on slowly as I felt some pain in my lower back. Once this was done, I joined Kylo Ren in the bedroom. He was already dressed in a black jumpsuit and his ever-present gloves.

-They're too big. I said, holding out my arms to reveal the long sleeves.

-Come here, I'll help you.

I approached him, he rolled up the sleeves, then knelt down in front of me and hemmed them in. He rose to his full height and took hold of my right hand.

-My clothes make you even more attractive Starlight. he said, kissing my hand.

I blushed as I withdrew my hand, causing him to laugh. He took my hand again and pulled me after him, and we walked through several corridors and hangars before stopping in front of a TIE silencer. Kylo Ren stepped inside and beckoned me to join him.

-Come on, get in Elara. he said, holding out his hand.

-Where are we going? I asked as I climbed into the cockpit.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now