Chapter 27

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Elara's point of view

He pulled back with a grunt and took me in his arms, leading us both to the bathroom. He washed us both and went to get me dressed for bed.

I was left with one of his boxers and one of his black tunics, both of which were far too big for me.

-They have his smell. I noted in a low voice with a slight smile.

-Starlight, please come to bed. Mappela Ben was already in bed.

I joined him with a smile, feeling that despite Obi-Wan's warnings, I could no longer resist my feelings for Ben. Never mind, I'll deal with it," I thought, looking at my lover who was smiling in satisfaction.

-Come on, let's go over here. he said, lifting the sheets.

I smiled back at him and slipped into his embrace. His lips came to rest on my head and I pressed my body to his.

-I love you.

-What did you just say?

-I love you, Elara. he repeated with a glint in his eye.

I took his face in my hands and kissed him with joy. The rays of a sun appeared in the distance, emerging from behind a planet. For the first time I saw a bright aura surrounding Ben, making him look angelic. We fell asleep in each other's arms, our hearts filled with love.

Snoke's point of view

I felt a shift in the force, something was changing. As I concentrated a little more I had a vision of my apprentice falling to the light side.

-That damned Jedi is destroying everything I've built. I growled.

It's time to get rid of her for good before we lose our greatest asset.

-Everything will be done as you wish, Supreme Leader.

Hux's point of view

I finally got my revenge on the Sith and that bitch Elara. I withdrew, taking command of a group of stormtroopers before heading to the Sith's quarters. When I entered the room, I was stunned to find them both asleep in each other's arms. The commotion caused by our entrance awakened Kylo Ren, who hurriedly hid the Jedi with the blanket.

-Bring the prisoner to me immediately. I ordered the soldiers.

They rushed to the bed and grabbed the Jedi who woke up, she instantly began to struggle and scream.

-LET GO OF ME!!! BEN !!!!

But as the Stormtroopers carried her away, Kylo Ren angrily rose to his feet, ready to rescue his beloved.

-Hux, what do you think you're doing? he asked venomously.

-I'm here to get the prisoner back, Supreme Leader's orders. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out that you, his student, have slept with a prisoner, a Jedi at that.

-He won't know, or I wouldn't give a damn about you, you parasite.

I smiled disdainfully at him, moving closer. I looked him directly in the eye, then leaned into his ear and said playfully:

-You can explain this to him yourself, he'll call you in immediately.

Kylo Ren's point of view

No sooner had he been informed than he withdrew with an evil laugh. I hurriedly dressed and made my way to the council chamber with growing anxiety. My master was already there, his hologram staring cruelly at me. I knelt instantly beside Hux who smiled sadistically.

-You sent for me, Master?

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now