Chapter 16

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Elara's point of view

Four weeks passed after my attack, during which time Kylo Ren and I had grown so close that he took me on a mission with him to one of the bases on the planet Voss.

I was put in a room with no exit or opening not far from the Sith's, but I was not allowed to leave and only he had the key. Two days after our arrival, he called me to his quarters. I found myself alone, face to face with him.

-Come here Starlight, I'm not going to hurt you," he said with a slight smile on his face.

-I know what you're capable of," I replied.

-I've told you a thousand times, give me the silent treatment," he shouted, coming closer to me.

He stopped a few inches away and waited.

-I'll try to be on first-name terms with you, but I won't promise anything," I said, causing a beautiful smile to appear on his face.

That fleeting smile disappeared when his gaze fell on the necklace, he moved his hand to the back of my neck, brushing against my skin, and a click sounded as the necklace fell to the floor.

-What the...

The Force surged through me again, taking my breath away, his hands rested on my cheeks and his eyes locked on mine. I clutched his forearms and slowly began to breathe again, getting used to the Force returning to me.

-Shit...," I tried to say without thinking of Hux.

-Don't thank me," he growled. I'll crush the throat of anyone who hurts you again while you're helpless. I'd rather know you can defend yourself than know you're totally vulnerable. 

I was touched by his words, but I didn't have time to appreciate the feeling when a pain in my right shoulder made me wince.  He took me by the wrist and pulled me along, leading us to a brazier that was blazing happily around which were two fluffy-looking white couches. Kylo Ren sat me down on one of them and tied my wrist to it. I looked at him strangely and remembered my condition as a prisoner, I huffed wearily as I watched the flames.

-I'll get something to take away your pain, be good.

Count on it, I thought as I made a plan in the corner of my mind.

He left and I heard the water running, I quickly examined my restraint before trying something with my newfound power. Nothing worked, after five minutes I was still clinging to the furniture. Frustrated, I lay down comfortably and fell asleep, when I opened my eyes again I was in bed. Kylo Ren was putting a lock of my hair back in place with a gentle gaze, my brain literally planted itself to focus on the lips of my torturer.

-For...what...dividing...bed," I stammered, making him smile.

-So I can heal you better and feel the Force you give off," he admitted, stroking my cheek.

-What kind of Force, I asked, confused by her touch or perhaps her words?

-It soothes me. It makes me feel a soft warmth, comforting and strong as the sun's ray. And for that I think your nickname fits you like a glove.

At her words my eyes shuttled between hers and her lips, our faces came together like magnets. Our mouths brushed against each other, electrifying the atmosphere, and I recoiled spontaneously as I saw Poe's face in my mind.

-Let yourself go," the Sith whispered coaxingly. Let your impulses guide you, my sweet sun.

-No, no, no. I must not. I mustn't, it's impossible, we're not meant to be together," I grumbled to myself.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now