Chapter 18

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Poe's point of view

We had launched our offensive and the first shot landed not far from the ship's hangar. The first TIE fighters streaked across the sky like birds of ill omen. My squadron and I tried to divert their attention long enough for the extraction team to find Elara.

Elara's viewpoint

As I pondered the Sith's gesture on the way to my cell, an explosion propelled the stormtroopers and me into the air. I hit the wall head-on, while the two soldiers were blown about ten meters away. Stunned, I didn't immediately know what was happening when two rebels picked me up and carried me to a transport pod.

I barely had time to see Kylo Ren and the knights running towards us as we took off, and I passed out. I was slowly waking up, trying to figure out where I was and what had happened. I looked around, I was connected to all sorts of wires. I started to move and get up but was soon blocked by a handcuff that held me to the bed.

-Rooh it's not possible I dreamt that someone came to get me. I said, resting my head back.

-You didn't dream. said Poe who had just entered the room.

-What? What? But why am I tied up?

-Because you're going to tell me what's going on and why you decided to run away without even telling us about your problem.

-Oh, that's right.

-So go on, explain yourself. He said, crossing his arms and looking at me with a cold look.

-Wait, are you serious?

-Yes, very.

-No, but that would take too long to explain.

-Don't worry, I've got plenty of time and so do you since you've been laid off.

-WHAT?! Who decided that?

-I did.

-What, but why? I exclaimed, very surprised.

-Because until you tell me the truth about what happened to you when you were a captive, you're staying here.

-But Poe, I don't understand why you're doing this.

-You don't? You want me to refresh your memory? you left me alone, you abandoned us all overnight, you wouldn't even let me help you. He said with a voice slightly broken by emotion.

-I couldn't talk to you. I said, bowing my head.

-Now that you don't have that necklace anymore, you have nothing to hide, so go ahead, I'm listening.

-No, but...

-SPEAK ELARA! he shouted.

I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes.

-Poe, please calm down.

-CALM DOWN?! I've been looking for you for over two months and I even thought I'd never find you and that you were dead...

-Please don't finish that sentence. I said, putting my unattached hand over his mouth. Calm down, I'm here, look, and I'm back safe and sound.

-Yes, you're right, but if you only knew how much I resented you for leaving without saying a word.

-I understand Poe but it wasn't about you, I had to leave so as not to endanger the Resistance.

-I could have helped Ela. Now tell me, I need to know. Please, I need to know.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now