Chapter 19

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Elara's point of view

-WHAT!!! But why?

-To protect you and to protect her too. I think you two will complement each other well. she asserted as she stood up.

-But... I tried.

-No buts, I've lost enough important people and I nearly lost you both. I want you to look after her like the apple of your eye. The general cut me off.

-Yes, ma'am.

I followed her resignedly, and we went to the base in the greatest silence. She introduced me to Korr before leaving us alone.

-I suppose you know nothing about politics? she asked.

-I don't, but I'm pretty good at fighting.

She laughed, I looked at her with incomprehension.

-In diplomacy we don't use combat. she informed me. I have a feeling that we'll both have a good laugh.

-Well, if you say so.

-Meet me in the debate room tomorrow at dawn.


-I'm going to train you before we both go on a mission, you need to learn some basics about politics, etiquette and persuasion. she asserted.

I watched her leave, and once she was gone I went to my room and fell into a nightmarish sleep. The next day I tiredly joined Korr in the hall.

-You look like hell. she laughed.

-That's what happens when I sleep badly, it must happen to you too.

-Let's get past this detail, today I'm going to teach you how to behave and how to greet in several cultures.

-I am honoured, Professor. I said, bowing to her.

She laughed and corrected my posture at the same time. The day passed surprisingly quickly and to my surprise I had retained everything she had taught me. She invited me to lunch, in the corridor we met Poe who gave me a look full of spite. I ignored him calmly and went on my way.

-Did something happen between you two?

-I broke up with him. I said. I don't want to talk about it.

A month went by and I learned how to get the attention of a crowd, how to keep a riot going without using the Force, and all the essential information about the different people we would meet. Korr and I had become good friends through our daily sessions.

At the same time, I trained to better control the Force in tense situations and mastered the technique of controlling animals over a great distance and on beings born to kill, such as a Nexu female of about two meters.

-You are finally ready Elara. Korr exclaimed, jumping into my arms in a fit of joy.

-Finally, I couldn't wear this thing around my chest anymore. I said, undoing the corset lace she had given me to correct my posture.

-Now we can go and make you a proper outfit for our visits. She said, grabbing my wrist.

After asking the General's permission, she took me to the planet Naboo and placed me in the hands of a Chiss seamstress. I came out of her shop with about twenty outfits, mostly dresses, and several pieces of jewellery that I found useless.

-We leave for our first mission as a duo in three days.

-Where are we going?

-On Chagria, in the inner rim. We have to convince the ruler to trade his sig and tibanna with us. These are gases that increase the capacity of the ships' thrusters and the power of the blasters.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now