Chapter 21

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Vicrul point of view

She collapsed in my arms, unconscious. Fuck, we programmed the discharge wrong. I lifted her in my arms and laid her on the bed of her cell. I covered her and began to detail her. She was slender, slightly muscular with an innocent face, yet she exuded confidence. A lock of her blue hair was in her face, and when I tried to put it back I slipped on the sheet and my face was too close to hers.


I got up quickly, blushing, and quickly retrieved my mask, put it back on quickly, and stomped out of his cell. By misfortune I ran into Kylo in one of the corridors and I hurried to leave the place.

-Vicrul! he called suddenly.

Kylo Ren point of view

I had said his name by reflex, after seeing Starlight's face, er, not Elara's in his mind.

-You called me Commander? he asked in a panic.

-I was thinking out loud, sorry go back to your business. I said, trying to hide my anger.

He didn't hesitate, I found myself alone in the corridor. The thoughts of the knight still in my mind. How could he think of her in such a way? Doesn't he know that she belongs to me? I grunted in frustration and made my way to the control room. I looked up at the stars and thought.

-I will make it mine tomorrow and show anyone who wants it that it is mine. I whispered.

The next day

Elara's point of view

I woke up in my cell, walked to the bathroom and undressed. I turned on the water and slipped into the shower. I gradually relaxed as I soaped myself up, got out and dried myself off before putting my dress back on. I brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror.

-Elara, you look terrible, girl. I noticed that my features were drawn and that I had dark circles under my eyes.

I heard the door of the cell open, I rushed to see and stumbled on my dress. To my delight I didn't hit the floor and landed in the arms of yesterday's knight, Vicrul I believe.

-You are clumsy too. He grumbled as he got up.

I felt his heart rate increase as he pulled me to my feet.

-The Commander wants to see you. he informed me.

I looked at him surprised, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me down some corridors without my being able to react. He then took me into a very luxurious room with a magnificent view of space. A cough sounded and Vicrul threw me to the floor before quickly withdrawing. A low laugh echoed through the room, I looked up to see a shirtless Kylo Ren. I stood up quickly, trying to hide my blush and shame, and he came towards me with a catlike gait. Scared, I backed away until I was backed up against the wall, he placed his hands on either side of my body and smiled mockingly.

(WARNING 🍋🍋🍋 !!!! The following scene contains explicit sexual characters, if you don't want to read it continue to the next KYLO REN POV)

-I hope you have a lot of energy because my jealousy is starving.

-What do you...

He suddenly pressed his lips to mine, muffling my cry of surprise, his hands went to my hair and pulled on it slightly. He exposed my throat to his view and attacked it with his lips, devouring it with alternating nibbles and kisses.

-You drive me crazy, Elara. he said in a voice filled with desire before kissing me again.

His hands left my hair and settled in the hollow of my loins, sticking my pelvis to his. Mine were lost in his ebony hair. His tongue demanded the entrance to my mouth and I offered it to him with a moan, our kiss became more intense and full of lust.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now