Epilogue + bonus

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10 years later :

Kylo Ren point of view

I had just died, or so it seemed. I was floating and confused. Suddenly a hand came to rest on my shoulder and I turned my head towards its owner.

-Here you are at last, young Ben.

-Who are you? I asked the bearded man who stood before me.

-My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. But that is not the most important thing my young friend, someone has been waiting for you for a long time.

-Who is it?

-Follow me and you will find out. he said as he walked away.

I ran after him, the white light dissipated to make way for a fairytale world. Trees as far as the eye could see, a few meters away from me Obi-Wan was climbing the steps of a huge temple.

I joined him there in third gear for fear of losing him.

-Where are we? I whispered in wonder at the scenery.

-On the other side of life my dear. This is the temple built by the first Jedi master to unravel the mystery of death and create the first force spectrum.

He led me quickly through the maze of corridors, stopping suddenly at a doorway with an engraving. It depicted the battle between Snoke and a Jedi, my heart began to beat faster.

-Yes, my young friend. She is waiting for you on the other side of that door. he confirmed.

I pushed the door open with apprehension and was assaulted by the light from outside. The room was quite spacious, with a large four-poster bed in the centre of the room. The walls were covered in warm, inviting colours, and large French windows looked out over the Naboo Waterfall Valley right at the site of the Starlight Temple.

She stood with her back to me, her beautiful blue hair flowing in the wind.

-Elara. I called as I took slow steps closer, apprehension gripping my stomach.

She turned her face towards me and I was taken aback by her great beauty, surprise painted itself on her face before she rose to rush into my arms.

Her head instinctively snuggled into my neck and I took the opportunity to smell the sweet smell of her hair.

-Ben, I've missed you so much. she whispered as I felt her tears fall on my shoulders.
-I missed you too, my Starlight.

Suddenly I remembered my love for Rey and let go of her to kneel before her. I took her hands and brought them to my lips.

-I'm sorry I loved someone other than you. I broke our promise, I am...

-My love, it's nothing. You had the right to be happy, even if it wasn't with me. I allowed you to realise that. She said to me as she picked me up.
-But I never forgot you, never. I spent months visiting your grave.
-I know that. I was there, but I couldn't show myself in front of you, it would have affected your destiny.

There was a silence, each of us staring at the other. She had not changed, the white marks on her face were as beautiful as ever and her golden eyes hypnotized me as they had when we first met. Her fleshy and terribly attractive lips called to mine.

I drew her to me by the hips, placed a kiss on her forehead and then a cloud of kisses on her jaw until I placed my lips on hers. Our kiss was tender, but I broke it reluctantly to embrace her.

-Never again will I leave you, my sweet Starlight. I promised, looking into her eyes.

-We'll be together for eternity, my love. she said in return, placing her lips on mine.

Obi-Wan's point of view

I watched as they kissed tenderly, they were as bright as the sun and they gave off a soothing energy. They reminded me strongly of Anakin and Padme.

-Two soul mates reunited forever.

Thank you for reading our story, we hope you enjoyed it ☺️.
Thank you for your support and thank you for reading our story to the end.

For the more curious among you, you will find below the face of our Oc, of which you already had a small glimpse in chapter 30. (Média)

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now