Chapter 28

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Korr's point of view

Hux had just released me from my shackles and led me to a shuttle that looked as if it had been attacked.

-This is your vehicle. We will drop you in the Chorlian sector, you will find the coordinates of Malachor in the device.

-But this ship will never get me there, it's a piece of junk!

-It's only in appearance. he said coldly. Now get inside and prepare to take off.

I complied and was quickly ordered to take off.

Hux's point of view

Once the politician had taken off and had gone into light speed, I headed for the Jedi's cell. Now that I had carte blanche I could do whatever I wanted with her. I ordered stormtroopers to go get her for me and bring her to a torture chamber. I waited a few minutes when the stormtroopers returned empty-handed.

-I'm sorry, General, but she's not to be found.


-She's not in the cell with the other prisoners.


I was mad with rage at the moment when I could have had some fun, and now the prisoner disappears. I would rush to the control room where the surveillance camera images could be seen. I couldn't find any images of the resistance fighter, the cameras were oriented in such a way that we couldn't see what was going on. When suddenly I saw on one of the cameras that had not been diverted, the Resistance girl and Kylo Ren running down one of the corridors. He must have forgotten to hijack that one. What a mistake, now I know he was the one who helped her escape.

-Have Kylo Ren brought to my office immediately. I ordered an officer.

-Yes, General.

I was waiting for Kylo Ren when he showed up in my office.

-Is there a problem, General?

-Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush here. Where did she go?

-I don't know what you're talking about, General.

-You don't? Isn't that you on that camera? I asked, showing him the video of him running with the prisoner.

-I don't know, General.

-Kylo Ren you better face the consequences of your actions and fast, or I understand the Supreme Leader has a special treat for him.

He looked at me with animosity, but remained silent.

-I see that you will protect her at the risk of your life. Guards, see that Commander Kylo Ren is taken to his cell.

The stormtroopers seized him.

-What right do you have? And you let go of me, I can go alone. he growled as he broke free of the soldiers' grip.

-The Supreme Leader has given me every right. Cuff him immediately and bring him in.

Fury seized him, he sent my men tumbling and he used force to strangle me.He moved closer to me and looked me in the eyes with the sadism he had lost because of that damned Jedi.

-KYLO REN!!! Snoke shouted, his hologram having just appeared at my desk.

He released me with a thump and I collapsed to the floor gasping for air.

-YOU BUNGLERS, LOCK HIM UP. And you, my young apprentice, will wait until I have chosen the proper punishment for your treachery. Now get out of my sight.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now