Chapter 30

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Elara's point of view

I had just landed my X-wing on the other side of the battle. I felt Ben's presence but also a dark, evil aura. I rushed towards the fighting and saw the two Sith fighting in the distance.


I ran through the crowd, avoiding obstacles, but as I ran up the hill, three of Ren's knights stood in front of me, weapons in hand.

-You're coming with us Vulpex. Vicrul spat.

-Let me through, I have no time to lose. I growled.

-You can't help that traitor Kylo Ren, he must be eliminated.

-Then you leave me no choice. I said as I stood guard.

They threw themselves at me in sync, I parried their blows and pushed them back as far as possible. Vicrul returned to the charge, leaving me an opening, I cut his weapon in two and he found himself empty-handed. Quickly, I did the same to the other two without the slightest effort.

-I warned you, gentlemen.

I turned and rushed towards my beloved. He was on the ground, bent in half and covered in blood. The Sith lord before him gave a grunt that was full of bitterness.

He cocked his arm, holding his red lightsaber, and tried to slash at Ben. I stepped in, blocking his attack with my sword. I then propelled him a few feet away from us and leaned towards Ben.

-Starlight. he called, coughing.

-Yes, it's me, my love. God, I should have been here first. I whispered, stroking his cheek.

A fat, sinister laugh rang out from behind my back. I stood up and turned to face the Sith Lord. I gave him a look of anger and warning.

-I have been waiting for you, young Jedi. he sneered. That's a good look, I can see a lot of things in it.

-I hope you can see your own impending death, for it will come soon enough. I threatened.

-No, young Jedi. I see your future allegiance to the dark side and a fate filled with death and despair. Kill Kylo Ren and join me, you will rule the galaxy like no other before you.

-NEVER, RATHER DIE. I screamed as I threw myself at him.

The fight then started again. I tried to throw punches at him but he blocked them with ease. I raised a rock with the Force and threw it at him. He blocked it easily enough but I used it as a diversion to hit him in the shoulder. He then threw me several metres away from him.

-If you put that anger to work for the First Order we could go far.

-I told you I'd rather die than join you. I shouted at him.

-Then you will die!

I threw myself at him again, trying with all my might to kill him.

-You are so blinded by your desire to kill me that you don't even see what is in front of you. He said as he reached out his scarred hand to Ben and began choking him with the Force.


I turned and continued to attack him, unleashing all my rage on his saber, landing several blows on his saber, Snoke fell to one knee. He froze me with my sword in the air so that I could not attack him and then he held his hand out to Ben again, I looked in his direction to see if he was okay. Suddenly I felt a huge burn just below my heart. I turned around and Snoke had his gun stuck in my chest.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now