Chapter 15

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Elara's point of view

Kylo Ren stood in front of me, his helmet on his head. And now he wanted to force me to eat. But I'm tough, if he thinks he's going to get me like that he's fooling himself.

Suddenly I felt like I couldn't move, he was using the Force to keep me down, I could only move my head. I rolled my eyes in exasperation. He began to take a spoon and put it in my mouth. When it was only a few inches away, I turned my head away and pressed my lips together to avoid having to eat. He followed the movement of my head with the spoon but it didn't work. He stopped and said:

-Ahem, I didn't think I'd have to go this far.

He put the spoon down, took off his helmet and picked it up again. He tried one last time to feed me without success.

-Okay, you asked for it. He said.

At the same time he leaned over me and put his lips on mine, I felt the red rise to my cheeks but I did not move. I felt like I was floating. I was quickly brought back to reality as he shoved the spoon into my mouth and quickly closed my mouth with the Force. I was forced to swallow and after not eating for several days, it was a strange sensation.

-I told you I would get you to eat.

He took another portion and brought it to my mouth. I turned my head away again.

-If you don't want me to do it again, I advise you to let it happen. He said, taking my chin.

I looked longingly at the spoon and then at the Sith's eyes.

-Come on, open your mouth.

I went back and forth between the spoon and Kylo Ren. Until I finally decided to let myself go and open my mouth just after a long sigh. I ate in silence and rather slowly. The images of that kiss ran through my head. He could have used another method anyway.

Still, that kiss was really tender, I couldn't imagine one of the evil lords being so gentle. The plate was almost finished, but I felt that I could not swallow anything more. He brought one of the last spoons to my mouth but I turned my head away.

-Am I to understand that you don't want to eat anymore?

I nodded my head in agreement.

-You've already eaten well, I'm very happy about that. I want you to know that from now on I will come and feed you whenever I have the chance.

I felt the pressure exerted on my body by his Force gradually dissipate, allowing me to move. I reached out to try and feel the Force again, but again I failed.

Kylo Ren took hold of my arm and gently lifted me up before forcing me to lie down. He covered me with my flimsy blanket and placed his gloved hand on my forehead.   

-Try to get some rest, Starlight," he said. Or I should use stasis.

I grunted as I turned to the wall, I heard him get up and leave the room. I closed my eyes and put my hands on my belly, after a few seconds I fell asleep and for the first time I didn't dream of my attack.

Three weeks went by and despite the regular vomiting I started to feel better again. Kylo Ren came to visit me at least once a day, he fed me and took care of me in a gentle way as if I was about to break. And so the more time passed, the more I enjoyed his company. But my recovery, still precarious, was jeopardized by a tragic event that came as a surprise.

General Hux's point of view

For four weeks now, the Resistance scum had been taunting us as they came closer and closer to our base. And that fool Kylo Ren was playing tea party with that pitiful, noxious Jedi instead of torturing her for information.

He was driving me crazy, but today that was all going to change. The Sith was away on a mission to Seelos with the clone makers, but he would be back soon, so I had to act quickly. I impatiently made my way to the pest's cell accompanied by two stormtroopers. My entrance startled the prisoner, who leapt to her feet.

-Restrain her," I ordered the soldiers.

She struggled like a madwoman, but the two men managed to catch her. I moved closer to her and grabbed her chin, I saw a glint of hatred and disgust in her eyes.

-What do you want from me, she growled?

-I want the location of the main rebel base.

She laughed, I punched her in the stomach and she stopped. I grabbed my knife and placed it gently on the skin of her cheek.

-Now you're going to tell me where all your friends are, I said with a smile.


I then stabbed him in the right shoulder. The vermin screamed in pain and its cries sounded like a disturbance to my ears.

-Still not?


-Gentlemen, you know what you have to do.

The stormtroopers threw her to the ground and kicked her, a pool of blood was forming as I was warned that the Commander was coming. I signaled to the soldiers to stop, moved closer to her and grabbed her hair to make her raise her head.

-If you denounce me, you will die in atrocious sufferings, I threatened while rising and while striking her a new blow in the belly.

She cowered and coughed up blood. I quickly exited the room and returned to my post. 

Kylo Ren Point of View

I had just returned from my mission when I felt an immense pain emanating from inside the base. I deployed my Force and moved towards the source of the pain. I realised that I was in the corridor where Starlight's cell was, and I prayed with all my might that it was not her. But my prayer was not heard, as the door to her cell opened I was assailed by the metallic smell of blood. 

She lay there unconscious in a pool of blood. I rushed to her and lifted her in my arms. I then rushed her to the base infirmary, the nurse droids attending to her immediately. I spun around like a Vornskr in a cage for a good hour until a nurse came back.

-Commander, I have terrible news for you.

-What's wrong with her? Is she all right?

-Your prisoner has just suffered a miscarriage due to the physical abuse she received very recently.

-Where is she, I want to see her," I cut her off, trying to get ahead.

-Please come with me.

She led me to a room, where Starlight lay connected to multiple wires. I approached her after removing my mask and took her hand gently. I tried to read her, but a thick mental fog prevented me from doing so. Her hand squeezed me slightly and I looked up at her and was amazed to see a faint Force emanating from her.

-Be...Kylo Ren," she moaned, squeezing my hand a little tighter.

-Shhhh, I'm here my Starlight.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks, I let go of her hand and tenderly wiped away her grief. Suddenly she stretched her arms like a child, understanding the message I embraced her. She clung to me as if I were going to run away and cried silently. Minutes passed and her crying stopped, her body relaxed and her head lay in the hollow of my neck.

I laid her back down gently so as not to wake her up and I caressed her face one last time before withdrawing.  

I went to the control room and looked at the videos, but I couldn't find anything suspicious except the fact that a part of it had been destroyed. I then went to the training room and exploded my anger on everything I could get my hands on.

The Starlight of the Sith Knight  {Kylo Ren x Oc } English versionWhere stories live. Discover now