Chapter Five: Lonely Solitude in a Coma

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~ Day 50 ~

Familiar Sound

(The World That Never Was)

After being unconscious for three weeks, Racydex finally woke up from her coma. A male mystery voice spoke "I knew that I'd find you snoozing down here." She sat upright on her bed and placed her right-hand on her head. "Oh, my head is so sore." Racydex says. Racydex looked around and saw that she was back in her room. She had no idea what had happened to her. The last thing she remembered was finishing her recon mission with Xigbar in Agrabah. But she didn't recall what happened then. Racydex looked down to the left-side of her bed and saw a bunch of colourful shells. She scooped them up with her hand and gazed down at them. "Who left these here?" Racydex asks. Racydex placed the shells up on the window sill on her right and got up to investigate. She headed out of his room to the Grey Area. Once he got there, he found the room to be empty with no one in sight. Racydex looked into the Grey Area and he too noticed that nobody was there. "Where is everyone?" Racydex asks to herself. She shrugged and decided to try the usual hang out spot.

(Twilight Town)

Racydex traveled to Twilight Town and sat at her usual spot at the top of the clock tower. She was trying to figure out what happened to her the day she fell into her coma. As she sat there, she heard a voice. "Racydex?!" A male voice exclaims. The girl looked over to her left and saw Xen, who was surprised to see she was awake. "Xen...What happened to me?" Racydex says. "You were asleep for a long time. Almost three weeks." Xen says. "Three weeks?!" Racydex say startled. "Saïx told us not to get our hopes up. That you might not-- Well, you're awake now. That's what counts." Xen says. "Ugh, I feel like a zombie. Guess there's some things a nap can't cure." Racydex says. The two friends chuckled at this, as Xen sits next to her."Hey, Xen. Did you leave seashells on my beds for me?" Racydex asks. "Yes. I gave them to you as get well gifts." Xen says. Xen dug into the left-pocket of his coat and took out a seashells. One was a medium-sized, cream-colored fighting conch while the other was a white scallop shell, with a slight shade of red. "Speaking of which, I brought you this." Xen says. Xen gave Racydex the white seashell. "Thanks." Racydex says. "I've been picking one up on every mission." Xen says. While Racydex looked at her seashell, she ran her thumb over the shell, feeling it's smooth exterior. She liked the way the seashell looked. "Hold it up to your ear." Xen says. Racydex did as requested and she held up her shells to her ear, closing her eyes. She could hear the calm sound of crashing waves along the ocean."It's the ocean... I can hear the sounds of the ocean." Racydex says. As she listened to the sounds of the ocean, she saw an image of Darcey and Raiden looking out at the ocean in the sunset.

--Racydex's Diary Entry: Day 50--

I must have missed a lot. It's like I had the longest dream. I woke up to find a bunch of seashells by my pillow. I counted them--one for each day they said I was asleep. I was wondering who left them there, but then when I got to the clock tower, Xen gave me another one. I held it up to my ear, and I could hear the ocean... Why did it sound so familiar? The stuff I dreamed about felt strangely familiar, too. I remember being in a white room with somebody the same age as me, but she was wearing blue and grey clothes, with a tint of pink and brown. She was wearing a special charm bracelet, where her charms represent different charms....and then she sort of disappeared into the white. And there was a boy's voice--she said I knew I'd be "snoozing." Why would she know that? The voice was a little like Raiden's.

--Secret Report: Xen—

Racydex woke up today. I think she was dreaming the whole time. Being with her feels strange. Familiar. Like listening to the waves crash up against the shore. But why?

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