Chapter Thirty: Troubling News

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~ Day 256 ~


(The World That Never Was)

All the members of Organization XIII gathered for an important meeting in Where Nothing Gathers and sat in their thrones as Xemnas spoke. Racydex sat on her throne, feeling concerned but curious at the same time. "Xen is gone.." Xemnas says. Everyone glances up at their superior, surprised by what they heard. Racydex stare up at Xemnas in utter shock. Xen had disappeared. But why? Its not like him to up and vanished. "What!? Whoa whoa, time out... You mean he, like, flew the coop?" Demyx says. "Hah, preposterous. What would drive him to choose his own demise?" Xaldin says. "On the contrary. No one is to go looking for Xen without my express permission. Until further notice." Xemnas says. "What? Why not!? Xen's my friend! He's a Keyblade Wielder like me! We need to find him! He's one of us!" Racydex yells. Shocking everyone at Racydex's outburst, especially to their superior. "Your "friend" will be left alone. Or would you rather we find some punishment for him?" Saïx says. "I'd rather you get him back! And that he'd be here with us." Racydex says. "And why would we do that?" Saïx asks. Racydex growled under her breath, in frustration of the insults thrown directly at Xen. "All will be revealed when the time comes." Xemnas says. "Hmm... Which means, if the time doesn't come, things can stay as they are..." Axel says. "Lord Xemnas has spoken. Obey, or face your end." Saïx says. "Our business here is complete. This meeting is adjourned." Xemnas says. And with that, all the members of the Organization left the room to their assigned tasks. Everyone except Racydex was left in the room. She was clearly unhappy and upset with Xemnas' decision.

(Moments later)

Racydex walked into the Grey Area, feeling completely disheartened of the meeting about Xen. After entering the Grey Area, she saw Xigbar, Luxord, and Demyx. After several members of the brotherhood of mutants left the room, passing by her. "Where could he have gone?" Demyx asks. "Only a fool bends to the cards. We shape our fates through action. Sometimes fun and games can make a serious difference in life." Luxord says. "Get your behind out on those missions." Xigbar says. "I wish I could go find Xen." Racydex says to herself. Saïx approached her and said "Here are your new missions. Stay focused. Racydex, you will be heading to Halloween Town. There has been a sudden drop in Heartless in that world. You are to find out what is causing this reduction and resolve the situation." The young Keyblade Wielder nodded her head in acknowledgement and she set out for her mission in Halloween Town, entering her dark corridor.

(Halloween Town)

Racydex exits out of the dark corridor and arrives just outside of Halloween Town at the entrance. She moves along the path infront of her and enters the town square. It was eerily quiet, no monsters/Halloween Town residents anywhere. Racydex looks around, but doesn't see Heartless anywhere. "Saïx was right. There's no Heartless anywhere around here. Where are they?" Racydex says. "Huh? Where'd all those weird balloons go?" Racydex asked, cause there were weird balloons here the last time she was here. She walks into the Town Square for further investigation, "No balloons here either. Or Heartless... There's gotta be some explanation...about all this." Racydex says. Just then, a Creeper Bug appears near the fountain and scurries about on the ground. "A heartless!" Racydex exclaimed, just when she was about to move in on it until she saw something she didn't expect. A black Tentaclaw creature emerges from the ground, "Whoa! That's...that thing from before!" Racydex says, as she recognised the strange claw. She watches it, as it snatches up the Creeper Bug, swallowing it whole. "What?! It... eats Heartless? That's new." Racydex asks in shock. Four more Tentaclaws sprout out from the ground around the square. Racydex summons her Keyblade into her hand and went to work, charging at the first Tentaclaw in his view. Racydex strikes the Tentaclaw with a left slash, a right slash, and a left-angled spinning slash. The Tentaclaw tries to attack the young teen with a savage bite, but she jumps and rolls over to the right. Jumping back up to her feet, Racydex charges at the Tentaclaw and slices it into oblivion with a right slash.

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