Chapter Nine: Inseparable Bonds

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~ Day 75 ~


(The World that never was)

Racydex walked into the Grey Room and sees Xen, waiting for her while leaning against the grey wall. When he saw her, he greeted "Morning, Racydex.". "Morning to you too, Xen." Racydex greeted back. Xen asked "So you ready to give this a shot? Before you-know-they found out?". Racydex smiled at him and said "Yeah, let's go. If they suspicious I'll get the heat for you." Just before Xen could say anything in protest, Saïx approached them and was curious of why Racydex and Xen would like to work together. Saïx asked with a raised eyebrow "Together?". Xen replied "Yeah, is it a problem?". Saïx asked "What in the world would possess you to ask at a time like this? We're shorthanded as it is. And yet you expect me to say yes? I still get confirmation from the First Order."Racydex and Xen look crestfallen by what Saïx said to them. Thankfully Axel walks in and said "Why not? Seems like a good idea to me. Put two half-pints together and you get a whole. I talked to the Captain, and she said it would speed up the heart collection. Two heads are better than one." Saïx says nothing in return. Racydex persuaded "If you let us pair up, we can do tougher missions for you, no problem. I'm sure the First Order would approve, if Xen teams up with me." Saïx thought for a few seconds and replied "Hmm... Fine. As you wish.". Racydex, Xen and Axel all gave a sigh of relief. Quick brief talk with the moogle, the Moogle said "Working as a pair now, kupo? Do this moogle proud, kupo.". They passed by Xaldin, who was sharpening his spears and scoffed "Hmph... Off with you.". She saw a couple of stormtroopers cleaning their blasters for blockages, spreading rumours. Such as "Did you hear that Number XV is now doing missions with Number XIII?" And "Well that would speed up the process....two keyblade wielders to gather more hearts." Racydex talks to Axel, he said "You and him will make it work. Just keep it subtle, yeah?". Saïx opened a dark corridor, but before Racydex and Xen could enter, Saïx warned "You had better prove that two people can work like three, or this arrangement comes to an end. I see this to the First Order. " This made Racydex and Xen a bit tense, they quickly entered the dark corridor to Agrabah.


Racydex and Xen walked out of a dark corridor and arrived in the city streets of Agrabah. They arrive near the Palace Gates, the guards were on patrol by the palace. "So our orders are to investigate a cave this time?" Xen asks."Right. Axel and I found it the last time we were here. There's a hidden entrance in the city." Racydex says. "Wow. How'd you stumble across that?" Xen asks. "By accident, mostly. We spotted a couple of strange looking folk acting fishy and Axel suggested we tail them." Racydex explains. "And that led you to the cave... Good call on Axel's part. So, you ready to go explore it?" Xen asks. "Yeah. The hidden door's down that way. C'mon." Racydex says. Racydex went ahead into the streets with Xen following close behind her. They came to the street where the hidden door was, and looked over to their right. Xen noticed "Uh-oh. We're not alone." Near the hidden door was Aladdin's small monkey, Abu, backed up against the wall, covering his head in fear as three Scarlet Tangos loomed over him. "Heartless." Racydex says. "What do we do?" Xen asks. "Like we have any other choice." Racydex says. Racydex summoned her Keyblade and got into battle stance. "Let's take 'em out!" Racydex says. "Right! Roger that!". Xen says.

Racydex drew her Keyblade back over her shoulder and hurls it at one of the Scarlet Tangos. The Keyblade cuts through the Heartless, slicing it in half. Xen aimed his right-hand at the other Scarlet Tango and launches an ice blast from his open palm. The ice blast hits the Heartless and freezes it on impact. Racydex moves in, and strikes the Heartless with a right slash, shattering it to pieces. She quickly switches over to the third Heartless and cuts it down with a left slash. When everything quieted down, Abu moved his hands and saw that the Heartless were gone. The little monkey let out a sigh of relief. That was until it saw the two young teens towering over him, at first he had a flashback that Racydex was Darcey. But sadly Abu panicked and quickly took off into the streets, disappearing into the desert city. Back to the Palace, he knew Aladdin and Jasmine would be mad at him for his misbehaviour. "That monkey... It was here last time too." Racydex thought to herself. Xen looked down at the ground and noticed that Abu had dropped something. "Hey, Racydex, look..." Xen says. Racydex followed Xen's gaze down toward the ground. Laying at their feet was a round aquamarine gem."He must've dropped it." Xen says. "Where'd he swipe something like this?" Racydex asks. "What do you think? Should we leave it?" Xen asks."Well, we may not get a chance to return it, but if we don't pick it up, someone else will." Racydex says. "Hmm, then I guess I'll hold onto it. It might come in handy." Xen says. He reaches down and picks up the gem, then puts in the right-pocket of his coat."Okay. Let's head for the cave." Racydex says. Out in the Desert, Racydex gets a flash of Darcey who was standing beside her friends (Team Arrow (Oliver Queen - Green Arrow, Thea Queen - Speedy, Dig - The Spartan, Roy Harper - The Arsenal, John Constantine, Mari McCabe - Vixen, Nyssa al Ghul), Cloak and Dagger (Tandy and Tyrone)). She even had another flashback, where Darcey met Maz and was given her first Jedi lightsaber. However once the flashbacks ended, they continued on with their mission, Racydex and Xen head through the hidden door and out of the city.

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