Chapter Eight: Search for Xen/ New dragon friends

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~ Day 74 ~


(The World That Never Was)

Racydex walks into The Grey Area. Luxord stands near the couches, while Demyx sits playing his sitar, and was greeted by Axel. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Axel says. "Sorry... I was up late. Couldn't sleep." Racydex says. "By the way, I asked Saïx and Captain Phasma about Xen." Axel says. "And?" Racydex asks. Axel replied while shaking his head "Your friend was sent out on a mission, but never RTC'd.""But...why not? Shouldn't the mission be done by now?" Racydex asks. Axel replied "I dunno. But we'll find out what happened soon enough."Racydex asked "Why's that?". Axel replied to brighten her hopes "You and me get to go track Xen down. That's our mission today." "You mean it?!" Racydex asks. "No, I made it all up. Go back to bed... Yes, I mean it! Hurry up and get ready, will ya?" Axel says. Just they were about to head out, Luxord spoke out "Xen's whereabouts? Shall I ask the cards for you?". Then Demyx complained "Would it kill them to give us a day off now and then?". Axel and Racydex ignored them, while Stormtroopers were passing by, Axel told her "They think Xen's in Twilight Town somewhere. We'll go when you're ready." "Oh...I'm so ready to go." Racydex said. Saïx and Captain Phasma told them "Don't come back until you find out what happened to Xen." "This intel better be correct about your friend. Do not fail us." Captain Phasma warned them. With that, the duo immediately set out for Twilight Town to search for their missing friend, Xen.

(Twilight Town)

The duo stepped out of the dark corridor and arrived in the Back Alley in Twilight Town."Where do you suppose Xen is? And what was his mission?" Racydex asks. "Well, the mission in question was to take out a giant Heartless." Axel says. "That could be anywhere. Like a needle in a haystack, and if we find that heartless, we find Xen." Racydex says."Let's start by digging up info around town. If we can find that Heartless, there's a good chance Xen, too." Axel says. "Right. Let's try down this way." Racydex says pointing to the staircase that led to the Sandlot. Racydex and Axel head down the staircase and walk into the Sandlot. There, they heard Hayner and Olette talking to each other. The trio stood not far from the teen and listened in to their conversation. "You sure you heard that right?" Hayner asks. "Yes, I'm sure. I told you!" Olette says."And you heard it where again?" Hayner asks. "In The tunnel! I was just there, and I heard a weird, low moan. Then there were three roars, from three creatures." Olette says. "Did ya see what was making it? Or what the three roars were?" Hayner asks. "Are you kidding?! I was scared out of my mind! I ran out of there as fast as I could." Olette says.

After hearing the conversation, the duo turned and looked at each other, thinking about what they had heard."A low moan? Three roars?" Racydex asks. "Could be our Heartless. The three roars that's strange." Axel says. "Or it could be Xen —injured, unable to make it back to the castle...If it's Xen, he could be hurt or worse." Racydex says. "I'm sure Xen is just fine. C'mon, let's go check it out." Axel says. Racydex nods in agreement. Hayner said "You need to get your ears checked, Olette." Olette protested "I'm not making it up! I know what I heard!" The two Nobodies headed further into town, going through Station Heights and into the town market. Almost immediately, Racydex notices that the tunnel gate to the underground passages on their right was open. "Hey, one of the gates into the tunnels is open. We should be able to get inside through there." Racydex says. The Nobody Duo headed down into the underground tunnels and looked around for any sign of Xen. They could hear the moaning sound echoing throughout the tunnels, but they had no idea where it was coming from. Eventually, they stopped in a large tunnel. "No Xen..." Racydex says. "No Heartless, either. Or the three roar creatures." Axel says. "Where could he be?" Racydex asks. "What are you guys doing down here?" A male voice asks.

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