Chapter Thirteen: Vacation Day for the Trio

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~ Day 118 ~

Lazy Day

(The World That Never Was)

It was another day for Organization XIII as Kingdom Hearts hovered endlessly above the Castle That Never Was. Only today, the castle was eerily quiet. Racydex walks into the Grey Area and finds it to be completely empty with none of the other members in sight. To her surprise she saw many stormtroopers, AIM agents, Ten Rings agents, HYDRA agents, Cadmus agents, Cayden James's criminal cabal soldiers , ASA agents and a man in gold mask while wearing armour, many of them were training their new weapons, testing or cooking up some illegal drugs or devising new plans to hurt people. For Example, Agent Liberty, head of the anti-alien terrorist group was devising a plan to attack innocent alien citizens maybe persuade the people to join their cause. She was speechless seeing a lot of people from different criminal organisations, much to her curiosity. But she was much more concerned of where the other members of Organzation XIII were, "Huh? Where is everyone?" Racydex says feeling confused. Racydex looked across the room and saw something hanging from the window. It looked like a piece of paper. A notice of some kind. The young teen walked over and read the notice."Operations closed for vacation.". "Vacation? What's that?" Racydex asking herself, she was thinking of asking the agents. Just as she about to ask them, but was blocked an African-American super solider known as 'Painkiller' (Khalil Payne) giving her dark serious look.

Making her feel tense, she walked away hoping to find Axel for some answers. Once she left, Painkiller was approached by the head of 'The 100' of Freeland, America on Earth-TUD5. This man is ruthless and malicious, is the most notorious crime boss albino in Freeland 'Tobias Whale'. He saw Racydex and stared at her, "So, that's one of the Organzation XIII's last members, the only one plus the 'spare' who can wield the keyblade?". Tobias Whale asked. Painkiller said in a serious matter "Yes....this one has too much curiosity about our allies.". Selena, leader of the 'Children of Juru', creators of the Worldkillers approached them and reminded them "She's and the' Puppet boy' are the keys in completing 'Kingdom Hearts' once we have it's power we can control and rule the multiverse." Tobias and Painkiller nodded in agreement, before they returned to their normal criminal business meetings. Ready to continue the next stages of their schemes. Once Racydex left the room and she took a walk through the castle, wondering if any of the other members were still around, besides their guests from other criminal organisations.

She wandered about the castle for several minutes until she ran into Axel." Hey, Racydex. You hear about this vacation? About time we had a day off. Need to get away from our 'guests'" "I've never had a vacation before. I've tried to ask our guests about it, but I got the cold shoulder instead." Racydex says."Is that right? Don't mind them and don't let them get to you ." Axel asks. "What's my job during vacation?" Racydex asks in confusion. "What's your... Racydex, you're really missing the point." Axel says. "It's not my fault I've never had a vacation. I don't know what to do." Racydex says. "Do what you like." Axel says. "Do what I like? Like dragon riding with my friends, or clearing my head?" Racydex asks feeling confused. "Yeah, exactly like that. No Heart Collection. No hunting Heartless. No boring recon. No doing dirty work for or with those agents from criminal organisations. Basically, you just goof around and have fun." Axel says. "No missions, huh? What are you gonna do, Axel?" Racydex asks. "Me? Sleep. And once I'm done, roll over and sleep some more." Axel says. "Don't you spend enough time in bed?" Racydex asks. "You kidding? I'd nap six times a day if they'd let me. All right, snooze-land is calling. Enjoy your day off!" Axel says. With that, Axel took his leave, heading back to his room to rest. The young girl watched as Axel went down the hallway and out of sight. Thinking to herself of what Axel said 'Do what you like'. An idea sparked inside her head, and decided to go and ask Xen if he would like to join her on her first vacation.

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