Chapter Fifteen: Unlike Minds

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~ Day 149 ~

Unlike Minds

(The World That Never Was)

A month has passed for Organization XIII with no problems whatsoever. Racydex, and Xen went about their missions as usual, hunting down Heartless and collecting hearts. Continued to keep their dragons a secret form their superiors and their guests. Racydex walked into the Grey Area, passing by Victoria the vampire and her followers. Racydex felt a bit terrified by their red eyes, looking at her like wolf ready to catch its next prey. She hurried along, and was careful not to bump into anymore of their guests and was avoiding Luke and his friends. She passed by Xaldin, he said "It seems an Organization imposter has surfaced--one who wears our coat." Racydex was curious of who this "imposter" is, she then asked Demyx and he said "Xen? he's probably working. Like ALWAYS. I mean, good for him and all, but it makes me look even lazier...". Moving on, she was prepared to ready to receive her next mission. The young teen approached Saïx and he gave her her mission."Racydex, I'm sending you to a new world today. Your mission is to eliminate the Heartless that have surface in this world and collect their hearts. Now, get to it." Saïx says. The young girl nodded their head in acknowledgement and went off to her mission. Once she left, Saïx was approached by two women and a man. Kuasa Mari, Jiwe's older sister and granddaughter of Amaya Jiwe. After being abandoned during the destruction of the Zambesi Village, she searched for the mystical Anansi Totem and later the Water Totem. She had a strong hatred against her sister for being chosen by the anansi totem instead of her. She died in a duel with Benatu Eshu, wielder of the Fire Totem, now with the Water Totem embedded within her, she was resurrected by Nora Darhk who is now grown up into a woman with brown long hair, and brown eyes, she is a follower of Mallus and his host. Damien has successfully been resurrected thanks to his daughter and their followers. "I see you came to check our progress of where the rest of the totems of Zambesi are?" Saïx asked. Nora nodded and then said "We're on scheduled, keeping two steps ahead of the Legends". "We're still hunting down the other three totems. We need to decipher them and search through time for them." Damien Darhk said. Kuasa showed her water powers to him to prove his point, "Since I failed to turn the air totem bearer to our side, we still have the Time Masters on our track. But we succeeded in retrieving Damien." Kuasa suggested. "Then let's pray this plan will succeed to retrieve him." Mallus demanded in Nora's body with red eyes. "Patience Mallus, you will return and have revenge on Rip Hunter and John Constantine, his ego is his weakness." Saïx told Mallus, Mallus calmed down allowing Nora to regain herself. "That's it Nora Doll, you're growing stronger by the second." Damien praised his grown up daughter. They all nodded their heads, in agreement as they left.

(Halloween Town)

In Halloween Town, just outside Guillotine Gate, Jack Skellington was pacing back and forth with his bony hand to his head, planning the next Halloween festivities. Unfortunately, he was at a loss, he was having a Halloween festival block. "No... It's still missing something! Something new. Something fresh! I want this Halloween to be a festival of fantastical frights! Hmm... There must be something." Jack says. Jack soon heads back into town just as Racydex steps out to begin with her mission. She examines her surroundings, taking note of the dark, creepy environment. She also noticed that the sky was constantly dark at night with the full moon illuminating the entire town."This town is pretty dark and very spooky I can almost imagine the Heartless having a run of the place." Racydex says. Racydex looked on ahead and saw the path that led straight on towards Halloween Town. She followed the path and it brought her into Guillotine Square, which was the centre of the town. As soon as she came into town, she saw several small bug-like Heartless scurrying about the area. These Heartless were known as Creeper Worms. With her targets in sight, Racydex summons her Keyblade into her hands and got to work on dealing with the Heartless.

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