Chapter Nineteen: The Wrong Buttons

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~ Day 152 ~

The Wrong Buttons

(The World That Never Was)

Racydex walks into the grey area, passing by stormtroopers, agents of HYDRA, Ten Rings, The Hand, Children of Liberty, The 100, The Wonderland Gang, restored League of Assassins lead by Thalia Al Gual and Adrian Chase, the death gangs from the Distant Galaxy and many more criminal organisations. Alice aka Beth Kane, the leader of the Wonderland Gang she's a madwoman plotting her revenge against her city and her family. One time, she attacked her with her butterfly knife "Ohh curiouser and curiouser said Alice. Afraid of a little knife No. XIII? Come on show me that you're mad like I am." Alice threatened. "That's enough Alice!" A voice interrupted them, it was Marissa DeVoe, wife of Clifford Devoe/The Thinker. In her lab coat and an iPad to show her husband in his hover chair, wearing a black suit and helmet connected to his machine. Sometime later, Barry defeated Zoom, but the loss of his father was murdered by Zoom/Hunter Zoloman/fake Jay Garrick/The Flash. Later his soul was drained by the Time Wraiths. After losing a race to Barry and attempting to destroy the multiverse, Time Wraiths appeared and imprisoned Hunter in the Speed Force, while reducing him to a decayed spectre-like form known as Black Flash, similar to that of the Time Wraiths. Later Barry was in his grief, he went back in time to save his mother from being murdered by Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne. He created the Flashpoint, then he undid what he did. When he undid his mistake, Savitar a dangerous and powerful speedster was also Barry's time remnant. Who wanted revenge and tried to kill Iris West. Once he was defeated Barry went into the Speed Force to repaid his actions. Leaving the Thinker and his wife to plan to gain more dark matter and power to enslave the world through mind-control. Zoom became Black Flash and was hellbent on revenge. After he destroyed Reverse Flash, Savitar killed him.

Leaving Team Flash to protect Central City, Wally West/Kid Flash helps his family to protect Central City. While Killer Frost/ Caitlin Snow worked for a dangerous Arms dealer Amunet Black. But learns to control her powers, using Darcey's advice."Racydex, she's doesn't need your threats and doesn't want to feel weak. Release her." The Thinker told her, Alice released Racydex as she gasped for air. "Thank you, next time Alice think before you attack." Racydex said, as she glared at Alice. As she left, she looked briefly at Marissa and her husband for a moment. In the present, Racydex focused on the details for her next mission. "You don't need a heart to know how to manipulate one. Remember that. More importantly, get over that Alice psycho." Xaldin told her. "I sure hope Little buddy pulls through. That was one tough mission he got stuck with." Xigbar stated. "Don't talk about Xen that way, Xigbar. He's a valuable to the Orgazation, and don't you forget it." Racydex stated defensively of Xen. Before Xigbar could retaliate to her, they were interrupted by a yawn which came from Demyx "Yaaawn... So, when's our next day off?" He asked. Before he gotten a fright from a Ten Rings agent, "Do you mind? Yawn and complain on your own time." Ten Rings agent complained. Demyx glared at him, as Racydex rolled her eyes and approached Saïx for her mission. Saïx told her "One of the missions I have for you requires you to visit a new world. Go in prepared." "Yes Saïx" Racydex said. She left through a dark corridor for Halloween Town.

(Halloween Town )

Entering out of the dark corridor, Racydex travels to Halloween Town on heart collection, she arrives in the Guillotine Gate area. She starts walks to the entrance of Halloween Town Square. She looked at it confusingly and said "Huh? That's weird...". She turns around and looks for the heartless, wondering where they are, she tried to use the force to sense them. However it didn't seem to work for unknown reasons, much to her confusion. Racydex asked herself "Where did all the Heartless go? I should've seen some by now. And what's that odd-looking thing?".She walks over to a ribboned balloon with a wild smile on it, much to her dislike. Since it looked very creepy, hence it's Halloween-themed world. Racydex said "That's weird, that wasn't here last time I was here." Passing by the Halloween Town residents such as werewolves, vampires, creepy clown, sea-monster, talking and walking tree with hanging skeletons. Til she entered the Town Square and sees Jack Skellington with Dr. Finkelstein. With a balloon floats in front of them. Jack told the Doctor of his new Halloween idea "Well, Doctor? What do you think!? I've put a few new "ideas" in place for this coming Halloween." Dr. Finkelstein feeling interested asked "Oh?". Jack explained the balloons "These balloons contain a terrifying trick! Anyone who touches them is in for quite a shock!". Dr. Finkelstein started to feel intrigued and said "I see, I see! Interesting... Be sure to tell me about any more "ideas" you have, Jack."Jack felt so happy and exclaimed in excitement "I will, Doctor!". The doctor wheels himself back to his lab, leaving Jake to expand his ideas. Jack tapped his bony finger on his face and said "Hmm... It's not enough, though. My perfectly petrifying Halloween is still missing something...". After Jack walks off and Racydex entered and wondered what Jack meant. "Terrifying trick? Is there something inside?" Racydex asked. So she examines it and the balloon magically disappears, much to her surprise.

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