Chapter Twenty: Disjointed Days

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~Day 153~

~Disjointed Days~

(The World that never was)

Racydex enters The Grey Area, ready to receive her next mission while avoiding Alice and her wonderland gang. Since their leader threatened her, and was about to retaliate back at her. If Devoe hadn't intervened, her train of thought was interrupted til Saïx approached her and told her "Depart as soon as you are ready.". "Guess what Demyx, you're joining Racydex in her mission." Juggernaut aka Cain Marko teased, as he flexed his huge muscles with a sly grin at the coward nobody. Demyx dropped his sitar and exclaimed in shock "M-M-M-Mission? You mean me?! Can't you get anyone else Saïx? Cause I have no field experience and that I....." Demyx talked his way out. But was silenced by Saïx "Orders from the top. Quit your whining, or you'll be turned into a dusk. You hear me?" Demyx nodded, as he got up and followed Racydex through the dark corridor.

(Olympus Coliseum)

A dark corridor opens up at the coliseum and out steps Racydex and Demyx. The two of them were on a mission together on Heart Collection duty. While Racydex was ready to carry out her task, Demyx wasn't so enthusiastic about it. Ever since Juggernaut told him, before Saïx could tell him. "We're out on heart collection today, right?" Demyx says. Racydex looks at him, as if he doesn't remember or that he wasn't paying attention. Demyx sighs. "I'm so not cut out for combat." Demyx says. Demyx slumps over."Would it kill them to give me a recon mission or...I don't know, something un-violent?" Demyx says. Racydex began to think and replied "If I had to guess, the Coliseum's our best bet for finding a whole pack of Heartless at once. "Follow me, Demyx. We'll find the Heartless in here. Unless you want to be turned into a dusk like Saïx threatened you." Racydex says, as she leads him to the Lobby entrance. With Demyx following behind her. The two Nobodies look up at the entrance to the coliseum.

While they were in the lobby, Racydex was looking at the trophies and was curious of the names 'Darcey. Donald, Goofy and Jiminy' on the winners banner. But she was interrupted by Demyx. "Okay, right on... Ooh, but should we just go waltzing in? Won't someone see?" Demyx says. "Don't worry. We'll just say you're another aspiring hero here for some training. Trust me, it'll be fine." Racydex says. This shocked Demyx greatly and in disgust. "Wait, training!? That sounds like work, which means sweating. Which is gross." Demyx says. "Well either It's that or stay out here. Your choice." Racydex says. "Hmm... acutally." Demyx says. Demyx pondered to the decision, but he soon came up with an idea. "Yeah!" Demyx says."What?" Racydex asks, confused by his reaction. "We'll split up! And, uh...form two strike forces! I'll handle the Heartless out here. You take the ones inside. Covering a broader range means more efficient collection, right?" Demyx says. "I guess?" Racydex says, slightly agreeing to his strange suggestion. Demyx then thought to himself with a smug look on his face. "And while you collect those hearts, maybe I can collect some Z's..." Demyx says in his thoughts, feeling a bit sly. "What's the matter?" Racydex asks, feeling suspicious. "Nothing! Well, good luck in there, Racydex." Demyx says. With that said, Demyx walks off in another direction while Racydex entered the coliseum. Leaving Racydex to enter the Coliseum Vestibule by herself.

The young teen came into the vestibule and looked around. She was expecting to see Phil inside waiting for her, but she didn't see him anywhere. "Huh. He's not here." Racydex says. Suddenly, Racydex heard Phil's voice. "C'mon! Is that all you got!? You call yourself a hero and use form like that?" Phil says. Racydex looked straight at the entrance to the arena, noticing that Phil's voice was coming from there. "It's coming from the arena." Racydex says. She entered the arena and saw Hercules go through his training with Phil. Hercules stands holding a longsword. "Put some zing into it! Stay focused!" Phil says. First, Hercules was swinging a sword around, taking practice swings."All right, next exercise! Keep moving! No breaks!" Phil says. Then, Hercules got down and did several push-up using only his right-arm while Phil sat on top of him."C'mon, you can take more than this!" Phil says. Racydex watched the rigorous training of Hercules until she heard a voice behind her. "Blegh... What a tyrant!" A familiar voice says. Racydex turned around and saw Demyx."Demyx?" Racydex says. " I'd be running out the door in tears after ten minutes of that." Demyx says. "Done with all the Heartless outside already?" Racydex asks curiously looking at his face, with a serious look.

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