Chapter Thirty-Two: Unknown Contact

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~ Day 297 ~


(The World That Never Was)

Racydex entered the Grey Area and she saw Saïx and Axel talking. Curious as to what was going on, she walked in to join the conversation. "The impostor has been sighted again." Saïx says. "Impostor? You mean the one that Xen..." Racydex asks. Saïx looks at Racydex and corrected her. "She's prowling about Castle Oblivion as we speak." Saïx says. "Did you say Castle Oblivion? I'll go." Racydex says. "Not by yourself, you won't. This target is extremely dangerous." Saïx warns. "Then how 'bout I tag along? I know Castle Oblivion better than anybody else in this outfit." Axel says. Saïx closes his eyes in thought, but he soon goes along with the idea."All right, better. Go, then, and teach this fraud the price for wearing our coat." Saïx says. After saying that, Saïx walks away. The two members looked toward each other. "Castle Oblivion, huh? Ask and ye shall receive." Axel says. "I've reassigned you to Castle Oblivion for the day. Axel will be accompanying you." Saïx says, as he was walking out of the Grey Area.

(Castle Oblivion)

Racydex and Axel arrive at Castle Oblivion and they enter through the large double doors, walking into the entrance hall. Raycdex had never been to another castle before and it was very curious about the place. "So, this is Castle Oblivion." Racydex says. Suddenly, Racydex winced, clutches her head and she held her head in pain. "Racydex!?" Axel exclaims. "Agh, head!" Racydex grunts, falling to her knees. The girl staggered onwards while Axel watched in shock. "Hey, easy kiddo! C'mon, let's retreat for now and--" Axel says. "No... We have to...find X...en." Racydex grunts. Eventually, Racydex stumbled onto her knees then she fell on all fours still holding her head with her left-hand."Gah! Wh...what's happening?!" Racydex cries out in pain. Axel knelt down to the girl holding her steady."Racydex!" Axel exclaims. To Racydex the world goes white. "All into my head...So many thoughts... flowing in... Gnh... all at once..." Racydex grunts. Axel picked up Racydex by moving her head underneath his right-arm. "We're leaving! Now!" Axel says. Axel opens up a dark corridor infront of them, and he walked towards it, hauling the girl in tow."No, wait... There's something... I can almost..." Racydex grunts. Soon, the two friends entered the dark corridor, leaving Castle Oblivion.

(Twilight Town)

"Giving up already? I thought you were stronger than that."Racydex heard the voice and quickly sat upright, instantly waking up."Amanda!" Racydex exclaims. She woke up and sat upright, rubbing her head with her right-hand. The girl looked around and saw that she was in Twilight Town inside the back alley. In front of her was Axel, Scorcher, Rojo and Ripples, who all had concerned looks on their faces warbling in worry."Whoa, you okay there?" Axel asks concerned, while Scorcher stood by him."Ow, my head. What happened to me?" Racydex asks. Rojo and Ripples both walked behind and stood beside her for comfort. "You collapsed right inside the castle doors. Don't you remember?" Axel says. Scorcher, Rojo and Ripples shook their heads in shock and warbled in shock too. "I remember going in, but that's just it." Racydex says. While she got up on her feet while Axel, Scorcher, Rojo and Ripples watched her with concerned expressions. She almost fell, but Rojo and Ripples caught her. They both placed their heads under her arms to steady her.

"Hey, you should take a breather. Just take it easy for now." Axel says, Scorcher nodded his head while warbling in agreement with his rider. "Thanks Rojo, Ripples. I'm fine guys really. We need to go back to Castle Oblivion and continue the search for some answers." Racydex says. Rojo and Ripples warbled and shrieked in disagreeing with Racydex, as they're worried about her. They all were worried about her. "Rojo. Ripples, what's gotten into you guys?" Racydex asked the Duotone. "Hah, I don't think so. Rojo, Ripples and Scorcher are right. You shouldn't push yourself." Axel says. "But Xen... he's our friend. He needs us." Racydex says. "I know you're worried about Xen, He'll come around, eventually." Axel says. "What if I disappeared, Axel? I'm sure you'd do the same for me." Racydex says. Axel said nothing and just looked down, rubbing the back of his head.

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