Chapter Seven: Solemn Promises to keep

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~ Day 73 ~

The Promise

(The World That Never Was)

It had been over ten days since Racydex saw Xen and now she was starting to worried. She had yet to fulfil her promise of having ice cream with Axel. The girl entered the Grey Area and looked around for Xen. She saw stormtroopers passing by, some looked at her like she lost something important. They ignored her as they passed by her. She saw Saïx, Luxord, and Xaldin, but not Xen. "Where is he? Where could he be?" Racydex asks. Axel enters the Grey Area and greets Racydex. "Hey, Racydex." Axel greets. "Hi Axel. You seen Number XIV?" Racydex asks. "Xen? Hmm... Now that you mention it, no." Axel says. "It's been days now... Ten days at least. I'm worried for him." Racydex says. "Wish I could help, but I took off for Castle Oblivion almost as soon as Xen joined up. There's a lot I missed." Axel says. "I feel bad. I promised we'd all get together for some ice cream." Racydex says. "The two of you are friends, right? Tell ya what. I'll pick Saïx's brain, see what I can find out. If that doesn't work, I'll check with the Captain Phasma. Perhaps she might know." Axel says "Thanks, Axel." Racydex says with a smile of hope. "Right. You better get on with your missions. Try and take it easy." Axel says. As he patted her shoulder, before he left to talk to Saïx and Captain Phasma. Luxord sits in a chair, while Xaldin stands by one of the couches. The moogle floats by the entrance, as usual. Luxord said "Didn't return until late yesterday night. It has been tough with so few of us..." Racydex approached Saïx and he gave her, her mission of the day. "I'm having you visit a new world for your mission today. Racydex, you are to be sent to a new world to eliminate a Sergeant Heartless. Report back once your mission are complete." Saïx says. Racydex nodded their head in acknowledgement. Racydex enters the corridor and arrives on the Bridge of Beast's Castle.

(Beast's Castle)

Racydex steps out of the dark corridor and arrives at the Beast's Castle, standing out on the bridge. Racydex looked up and saw the tall castle infront of Racydex."Well, this is the castle. Sure looks big." Racydex says. Suddenly, the young teen heard a loud roar."What was that?" Racydex asks slightly startled. Racydex remained silent to see if she would hear anything else, but heard nothing. The castle fell silent."Sounded like it came from inside..." Racydex says. The teen placed her left-hand on her chin and her right-hand on her waist, thinking about the roar she just heard."Could it have been the Heartless I'm after?" Racydex says. Racydex looked back at the castle."Only one way to find out. Time to head inside and take a look." Racydex says. Focusing back on her mission, Racydex headed straight for the castle. She entered the courtyard and approached the front entrance of the castle. Racydex pulled open the right-side door and stepped inside, making sure to shut the door behind her. She walked a few feet into the Entrance Hall and looked around. She found the castle to be very quiet. "It's awfully quiet. Maybe nobody's home." Racydex says. Before she could proceed to explore the castle any further, the Sergeant Heartless appears before her. "Guess I found my target." Racydex mutters to herself.

The Heartless charged at Racydex with it's right-claw poised to strike. Racydex immediately summoned her Keyblade into her hand and rolled over to the right, dodging the blow. She countered the attack with a fierce blow to the Sergeant's head, swinging her Keyblade into it's face with a left slash. The Sergeant swipes both it's claws at Racydex in an attempt to hit her. Racydex ducks down and counters the attack with an uppercut slash, landing a direct hit underneath the Sergeant's chin, sending it staggering backwards. The Sergeant wasn't at all too much of a challenge for Racydex since it used mostly it's claws to attack. The young teen easily dodged it's claws and fought back with her Keyblade, delivering punishment to the Heartless. Racydex rushes at the Heartless and attacks with some more Keyblade strikes. First, she swings her Keyblade into the Sergeant's stomach, causing the Heartless lurch forward. Next, she delivers a right slash to the Sergeant's face, striking it in the head, making the Heartless spin like a top. Then, Racydex thrusts her Keyblade at the Sergeant with a lunging strike, stabbing it in the chest, destroying it right on the spot.

With the Heartless defeated, Racydex de-summons her Keyblade and stands up straight."Alright. Mission's done. Time to RTC." Racydex says. Just before Racydex could open up a dark corridor, she heard the roar again."Huh!?" Racydex gasps startled. Racydex looked around as he heard the loud roar, trying to ascertain where it came from. The castle soon fell silent, leaving the young Keyblade Wielder baffled."It's that roar again." Racydex says. The teen put her hand to her chin."Could there be another Heartless around? Or was it something else?" Racydex asks. Racydex thought to herself about the roar, but he soon remembered Saïx' orders."Well, Saïx' orders were to report back to the castle once the mission was done. I guess I'd better call it a day." Racydex says. She sees a lock on the back of the front door, she said "Looks like this is the only way out. I'll just unbar the door...". Racydex unlocks the door, then turned around and stretched her right-hand out, opening up a dark corridor back to The Castle That Never Was. Just as she started heading toward the dark portal, Racydex stopped and looked back into the hall, thinking she might hear the roar again. She soon turned back toward the dark corridor and continued walking toward it. Having completed her mission, Racydex entered the dark corridor and returned back to the castle.

(Twilight Town)

Racydex was up at the top of the clock tower, sitting by herself. Taking a bite of her sea-salt ice cream. Watching the sun across the town. She asks herself "Where's Axel? I hope Xen's okay...".

(Destiny Islands)

Inside Mara's house, it has high technology appliances for the kitchen, office, bedrooms, living room, bathroom, garden, garage and gym - for training. Mara going over some memory holograms, hoping to identify the hospital on New's Year Day. She focused on the Force, hoping to reply to the vision inside her head. But she had no luck, only the date of the hospital and no identification of the baby girl. Mara looked at her family portrait and to her surprise, that was the same baby girl that was in her vision.

(Colossus platform - Castilon)

At Yeager's repair station, Anakin told Kaz, Tam, Yeager, Neeku, BB8 and Bucket about his vision. This gave them shocked faces, after a few seconds of silence. Both droids beeped in shock about what Anakin told them. "So let me get this straight.......The Force gave you a vision of you as a small boy with your family witnessing you mother give birth of a baby girl?". Kaz asked, while pinching his forehead between his eyes. "Yes...but that vision felt like a lost memory. Seeing that baby girl, felt like I know that baby." Anakin explained. BB8 beeped in confusion, "BB has a point Anakin, how could you know that baby? Must've have felt years ago." Yeager asked. Anakin rubbed his head in confusion and sighed "I wished I had the answers to that mysterious vision." Neeku and Tam hoped he can find answers to his vision, then she asked "Did you tell your mum about your vision?". Anakin replied "I did, to her shock she too had the same vision as I did." Neeku cried out "But that can't be a coincidence...both of you having the same vision." Bucket exclaimed in shock too. Just what is going on for Anakin and his mother?

--Racydex's Diary Entry: Day 73--

After I finished my mission I wanted all three of us to have ice cream, but I couldn't find Xen. It's been at least ten days since I've seen him. Axel said he'd ask Saïx what was going on. Speaking of Axel, I didn't see him at the clock tower today.

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