Chapter Six: A Friend's Return after Castle Oblivion

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~ Day 71 ~


(The World That Never Was)

Racydex walked into the Grey Area, ready to receive her next mission, she passed by stormtroopers, who were on patrol. She was greeted by Xigbar on the way in."Heh heh, here come little miss sourpuss. Why the long face?" Xigbar says. "Nothing, okay?" Racydex says."You gotta admit, the castle's a lot quieter. Half as loud, you might say. But I could get used to a smaller, more tightly knit group, how 'bout you?" Xigbar says. Demyx walks in, joining the conversation."Hey, Racydex, girl, did you hear? No survivors! Everybody at Castle Oblivion got KO'd! Heavy stuff." Demyx says. "Then they're really gone." Racydex says sadly. "Gone with the wind, right, Xiggy? Whew, I really dodged a bullet there. The Big Boys at the First Order confirms it." Demyx says. "Lucky you. Heh heh, now you get to double your hours to help pick up the slack. You think those stormtrooper folk know more than we do." Xigbar says. "Blegh! Roger that. Remind me to under achieve twice as hard from now on." Demyx says. Racydex turned away, wiping away any tears away to avoid any attention. She spoke to a moogle in a corner, overlooking the city. The Moogle said "I hear they're letting you take on Challenges now, kupo. Save up the Challenge Sigils you earn and I'll reward you with freebies, kupo. I'm nice like that, kupo.". Demyx approached her and said "Everybody's out in the field pulling double duty. Hard workers, I salute you!". Racydex shook her head in depression, til Xigbar talked to her "You pulling your weight, kiddo? Not that you weigh anything. What are you, around a buck five? Here, better take this in case you pass out." Xigbar gives Racydex a Hi-Potion. Saïx walked over to Racydex, giving her mission of the day. "Racydex, you are to depart for Twilight Town. There are Shadow Globs in that world which are spawning Pureblood Heartless. Your mission is to destroy every one. Report back when you are finished." Saïx says. The girl nodded in acknowledgement and she set out for Twilight Town.

(Twilight Town)

Racydex walked out of a dark corridor, arriving in the Back Alley in Twilight Town. "So, my mission is to destroy Shadow Globs. What do they look like exactly?" Racydex asks herself. Stopped to think for a few seconds, then shrugged her shoulders and then said "No idea. I guess I'll know when I see 'em." The young teen walks down the alley and head down to the Sandlot. And sure enough, she'll find some Shadow Globs, which were black-violet orbs of darkness, emitting an inner purple glow. So far, there were two Shadow Globs in the area. One was planted on the ground in the center of the Sandlot while another one was planted up on the side of a building that overlooked the area."Those things must be Shadow Globs.Well let's destroy them and fast." Racydex says. The girl moved to destroy the first Shadow Glob that was planted on the ground ahead of them. But before she could reach it, six Shadow Heartless emerged from the ground infront of her, blocking her path from the Shadow Glob. "Ok, I'd take care of these Shadow Globs. Then the Heartless are next." Racydex says, as she held tightly on her keyblade. She went around to destroy the Shadow Glob, then attacked the Heartless before it could strike her. More Shadows leapt at her with it's claws, ready to strike. She leapt up at the Heartless, raising her Keyblade over her left-shoulder. As soon as they closed distance, she brought her Keyblade down on the Heartless, slicing it in half with a diagonal slash. Upon touching the ground, she propels herself forward at the next Shadow in her view, performing a sliding dash, and swings her Keyblade with an uppercut slash, taking it out right on the spot. A Shadow tried to attack from the left, but Racydex jumps away and counters with a quick right slash. Once that was sorted, she attacked the Shadow Glob with her Keyblade. She struck the dark blob with several cross slashes, making it wobble like gelatin. Eventually, after a couple of hits, the Shadow Glob explodes in a puff of black smoke.

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