Chapter Twenty-Eight: Quietude

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~ Day 225 ~


(The World That Never Was)

Racydex entered the grey area room, she looks around and notices that Xen or Axel wasn't in the room."No Axel. And no Xen. I'm guessing they already left for their missions?" Racydex says, as she looks around the room. "Well I hope they're fine, but I'm really concerned about Xen. He's becoming more withdrawn or distant. Well I better get on with my mission from Saïx." Racydex says again. "Who's ready for a vacation? I'm ready for a vacation." Demyx says. "Saïx only gives days off when he's in a good mood. Which is never." Axel says. Racydex smiled at him, feeling glad he's still there. She approached Saïx, who stood at the large window, staring up at Kingdom Hearts. He turns around and gives her, her mission for the day. "Racydex, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to award you a new rank." Saïx says. Racydex is awarded the rank of Expert. "Racydex, you are to depart for Halloween Town. Your target is a Carrier Ghost. Eliminate it. Depart as soon as you are ready." Saïx says. "Yes, sir." Racydex says nodding her head. Racydex set off for Halloween Town.

(Halloween Town)

Racydex arrives in Halloween Town, she arrives at Guillotine Gate. She passes by the undersea gal (She has a green and scaly siren body, webbed hands, with fins on her head. She has yellow eyes and blue lips. Sometimes she is seen wearing an eye-mask while coming out of the water.) and the Melting Man (He is apparently very sticky, as Jack's hand gets stuck to his head in one scene. He is a skinny brown humanoid monster with huge, bright yellow bulging eyeballs, three fingers and wears a white suit with a yellow/brown undershirt.) Much to Racydex's curiosity, they both looked at her feeling curious about her too, as they never seen a species like her before. She waved at them and they waved back at her, before carrying on about their day in their own separate way. "I should make this quick and get back home. Nothing better not get the best of me." Racydex says. However, she spoke too soon. She was hit with an exploding pumpkin straight at her. "Waugh! Alright! That does it! Who did that?!" Racydex yelled in annoyance, as she rubbed her back from where the exploding pumpkin hit her. "Ahhh ha ha ha ha! Got you again!" Lock taunted. "Run away!" Shock yelled, while running away. "Where to?" Barrel asked, while running. "Our secret hiding spot!" Lock answered while running. "Rrgh... Those troublemaking, mischievous, infuriating kids are getting to be a real pain. And what's this about a secret hiding spot? What are they hiding?" Racydex growled at them, but then calmed herself. She walks into Halloween Town Square and sees Jack with Dr. Finkelstein. "Ahh, Jack. I've completed the items you asked me for. Right over here." Dr. Finkelstein says, while he wheels himself over to an odd blue pumpkin.

Jack follows behind him and said "Thank you, Doctor! This Halloween will truly be one to remember!". "No doubt... You really are in fine form this year." Dr. Finkelstein says. "I've been drawing a lot of inspiration from the world around me!" Jack says. Dr. Finkelstein nods his head and asked "Very good. Keeping a keen eye trained on your surroundings is critical for an inventor. Now, as you've been exploring, have you seen Oogie's three rugrats? I hear they're up to something on the outskirts of town. Any idea what it is this time?". Jack shrugged his shoulders and replied "Not a clue...". "Sally said she spotted them the other day... Bah, she must have imagined it. She's always been a worrywart." Dr. Finkelstein says. Racydex makes her way to the second Boneyard, she found the Carrier Ghost Heartless. A Carrier Ghost is a large, humanoid creature clad in a faded green coat with black cuffs. It wears white gloves on its large, long-fingered hands, which are not directly connected to the Heartless's body and can be "thrown" at enemies. A few holes in this coat expose the creature's ribcage. Its Heartless emblem is printed on the front of its coat. The Carrier Ghost's black, spherical head sports a jagged mouth and two yellow eyes with black spirals in them. Its right eye hangs down from its socket, attached to its head by a silver chain. It can generate spotlights from its eyes, suggesting that they may be mechanical in some fashion. The Carrier Ghost's lower body is a simple, white, ghostly tail. Seeing how creepy it is, she summoned her keyblade and began her battles agains it. It grabbed her and drained her health, but to her surprise the force helped her knock it away. Crashing into the tombstones, but this her the opportunity to perform a reverse roundhouse kick with a upward strike with her keyblade and fire magic at it.

Causing maximum damage, it got back up and tried to drain her heath. But she performed a high jump and did a back slash at the Carrier Ghost, then used an ice spell freezing it in place. Using her keyblade to fire a strong light blast, therefore defeating the Carrier Ghost. Once it was deafened, Racydex healed herself with the cure spell. "That takes care of that mission. Time to RTC." Racydex says. Meanwhile, Lock, Shock, and Barrel cower before a strange black creature. Racydex returns to the corridor and feels a presence behind her. The earth is upturned in a line heading for her and a long spiny creature shoots out of the ground. "Whoa! Yikes!" Racydex cried out. It attacks Roxas with its thorns, but Racydex defeats with her keyblade and performs a downward slash at it, turning it in a puff of smoke. "What was that!? Hmm, I'd better tell Saïx about this." Racydex says, as she leaves Halloween Town through the dark corridor.

(Twilight Town)

Racydex met up with Xen and their dragon having finished up her missions for the day and she sat at the top of the clock tower in Twilight town. All except for Xen, who just stood on his feet, glancing down at the town. Rojo, Ripples and Scorcher warbled in confusion and worry for Xen. Fearing that he might fall off the clock tower again. "Aren't you gonna have some ice cream?" Racydex asks. Xen stood silently, looking lost in thought."Xen?" Racydex says feeling confused as to Xen's behaviour. Even the dragons were getting confused themselves too. Xen looks over to his right and realizes that his friend was staring at him. Rojo, Ripples and Scorcher cocked their heads slightly to the left, concerned for the raven-haired boy."Oh, sorry. I guess I'm just tired." Xen says. "Well, don't cha wanna sit down?" Racydex asks. "No, I think I'm gonna go. See you guys later." Xen says. "Uh, okay..." Racydex says. And so, Xen left the usual spot, leaving Racydex, Rojo, Ripples and Scorcher at the clock tower as they continued eating their Sea-Salt ice cream/fish. A few minutes after Xen left for the castle, Axel arrives from around the corner and walks over to join his four friends. "Hey, guys." Axel greets, "Oh, hey, Axel." Racydex greets. The dragons warbled in greeting Axel, Scorcher on the other hand gave a lick to Axel. Making him smile, as he scratched his head. The red-haired Nobody sits down next to Racydex and took out his ice cream."Where's Xen?" Axel asks. "He left." Racydex says. "Hmm..." Axel says. "She's been acting kinda weird lately, hasn't she? As in unsociable, don't ya think?" Racydex says. Axel kept quite and said nothing. "Maybe she's not feeling well. Or something off is on his mind." Racydex says. "He'll be okay. Don't stress it." Axel says. While Axel took some bites out of his ice cream and Scorcher took bites of his trout, Racydex, Rojo and Ripples looked over at the corner where Xen left. "If you say so. Hope we get some more vacation soon. We could all use that trip to the beach." Racydex says. Rojo and Ripples nodded their heads in agreement. "Right..." Axel says. For the rest of the evening, Racydex, Rojo, Ripples, Axel and Scorcher sat together and gazed out at the sunset, taking more bites of their ice cream and fish.


Xen was in the data center in the Castle That Never Was, searching through the main computer for any information about Castle Oblivion. Data is progressing on the screens in front of him. "No, no..." Xen says. The castle had been on his mind and in his dreams over the past couple days and he wanted to learn the truth. He continues typing and asked "Where is it? It has to be here! I know it!". Soon, the young boy found what she was looking for: a detailed report by Saïx, "Gotcha!" Xen says. Now that he found the file he was looking for, now he'll have the answers he's been looking for. Information on Castle Oblivion.

—Racydex's Diary Entry: Day 225--

Okay, now I'm really worried about Xen. I told Axel, but all he said was that he'll get through it. He knows something is wrong. I bet he's just telling me that to put my mind at ease. Well, it's not working.

--Secret Report: Xen—

My body feels heavy, and my headaches. I'm too busy dreaming to get any rest from sleep. Axel knows something. He's hiding some secret. It must be in Castle Oblivion. That's where I was born.

~Day 226~

Racydex travels to Wonderland with Xen to destroy Shadow Globs. They were accompanied by Luke Castellan and serval members of his titan army, much to Racydex's disgust and displeasure of him.

~Day 227~

Racydex travels to Never Land with Axel and Shawna Baez/Peek-a-Boo to defeat an Emerald Serenade.

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