Chapter Thirty-Three: Shutdown

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~ Day 300 ~


(The World that Never Was)

A day has passed since Xen was recovered, but the identify of the imposter in the black coat still leaves so many unanswered questions. Saïx gave her usual missions, to keep her head in focus for Organization XIII's goal.


After arriving in Neverland through the dark corridor, instead of being daytime it was nighttime instead. She saw the pirate ship is docked at a large rocky expanse. "There's that ship....." Racydex says. "Caught you!" Captain Hook yelled. Racydex turned her head to the source of the voice and saw the pirate Captain and several members of his pirate crew. "And there's those guys again." Racydex says. The Captain, his crew and Smee are on one of the rocks nearby. Smee is holding a bag, which is squirming in his hands, while the crew laughed at the poor hostage in the bag. "I've finally clipped your pestering little wings, eh, Tinker Bell? Serves you right for buzzing about in me business! Planning to interfere with me treasure hunt, were you? Well, change of plans! Smee! Men! We're returning to the ship." Captain Hook ordered. "Aye Aye Captain!" The Crew shouted. "I'm right behind ya, Captain!" Smee says. The bag continues to move around, trying to escape. "There there, now, Miss Bell. Be a good little pixie for us, won't you?" Smee says. Racydex realised who that pixie was, the same one who helped her on her missions.

They walked back to the ship and onto the deck. "Tinker Bell? Is that her name? They caught her!? I have to help her! But...she doesn't really have anything to do with the mission. ...So what. I'm going. She helped me fly before. And all I did was keep blowing her off. I can worry about today's mission once I know she's safe." Racydex realised, as she boards the Jolly Roger and walks onto the deck. Determined to save Tinkerbell. " Did somebody use this mast for sword practice? It's full of gashes." Racydex says. She finds a mark near the door of the Captain's Cabin. "There's a stain. Somebody must've spilled something here." Racydex says. "Confound this useless map!" Captain Hook complained. "But Captain, are ya sure ya want to tear it up like that?" Smee asked. "Aye, we checked this one the other day. It's worthless!" Captain Hook says. "If you say so, sir." Smee says. "Set a course, Mr. Smee! Take us to the next treasure spot! Tell the crew!" Captain Hook ordered. "A-aye, aye, Captain..." Smee says. "Sounds like they're inside." Racydex says, as she hid on the ship away from the pirates.

Inside the Cabin, Tinker Bell is trapped inside a lantern. Trying to get out of the lantern, by banging her fists against the glass. " B-but, you really think it's worth the trouble? We've done a good bit of digging already, and all we've found is pieces of junk and them Heartless creatures..." Smee says. "Stop whining, Smee, and think! Why were there so many maps? I'll tell you why. Whoever buried the treasure made fake maps to lead me astray and protect the real hiding spot!" Captain Hook complained. "Then we'll have the real treasure right in our hands, no more false leads or false flags Captain." Mr Starky says. "Oh! Yes! Then one of these maps is sure to be the real one, right?" Smee says. "Precisely Mr Starky........Aye, and the only way to know which it is is to follow them all! The Heartless must have been planted at the marked spots as guard dogs." Captain Hook says, he then starts to glow with a dark aura surrounding him. "Well, no one outwits Captain Hook. That treasure is mine--mine, mine, mine! Now, get a move on, Smee! Men! " Captain Hook ordered. "Aye, aye, Captain!" Smee and the crew saluted. They all walked back to the Deck, til Smee stopped and had a thought in his head. "Oh! But what about Tinker Bell?" Smee asked. "Hmph. Let her get acquainted with her new home--that lamp. Look lively, Mr. Smee! Men!" Captain Hook ordered, so they walked away.

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