Chapter Thirty-Seven: Searching for Answers

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(Colossus station)

After Racydex left the organization, she went to the Colossus station hoping for some answers about Darcey and why people keep assuming its her. She began to investigate, kept her hood up and was being careful of the locals and stormtroopers, led by Commander Pyre. They began patrolling the Colossus, after orchestrating Torra's kidnapping and rescue, by hiring pirates to do their malicious operation. Anakin knew they were behind the kidnapping, but he had no evidence against them. To keep his identity safe, Torra, Kaz and the rest of their friends agreed to protect Anakin's identity. By giving him an alias "Felix Murdoch", a pilot racer and mechanic from Bespin. He agreed to the terms, until he's been reassigned by the witness protection (resistance code word). A few days later Anakin bumped into Racydex, and got a flash that Racydex has Darcey's face. "Darcey?" Anakin asked in confusion, as he starts to follow her. He followed her carefully . Earlier Racydex tried to lose him, by dodging and passing through, but that didn't stop Anakin as he saw her run faster, so he ran faster too. Til they reached the scavengers area, he looked around for her. Thinking that she was hiding behind the old ships or so he thought.

Instead she gave him a sneak attack and tackled him to the ground, holding her keyblade to his throat. She demanded "Who are you?! Why are you following me?! If Saîx thinks of sending a rugged pilot to an Organisation XIII member's job, then he's wrong." Anakin struggled against her tight grip and quickly said "Listen! No hired me and I don't even know this Saîx. I just want to know why you have Darcey's face. I recognise the scar on her check, cause I was there when she got it." Racydex grumbled and didn't release him, then said "Why should I believe you? So I wouldn't kill you?". Anakin can sense her fear and anger, he tried to calm her down, "I can sense you're upset and you feel betrayed from what you been through. I know that feeling, cause I felt that feeling too years ago." Anakin says, Racydex just scoffed and said "You don't me and I don't know you. In fact you don't what I've been through." But Anakin still then continued on "I'm telling you the truth and what's more you have you my sister's face who's been missing for a year." Racydex looked back for a moment and looked at him, unfortunately her hood fell off her head and was alerted by the First Order . "Hey you! Halt!" The Stormtrooper yelled, they ran after her and shot stun blasts after her. Racydex got to her feet and ran, leaving Anakin on the floor as he got up. He was worried that they were catch her, but thankfully she summoned a dark corridor leading her to National City, Arrowverse/Earth-38.

Anakin witnessed Racydex escape, feeling relieved that she got away. But his victory was short-lived as he was roughly pulled to his feet by the other stormtrooper. "Are you alright young man? Did that girl hurt you?" The Stormtrooper asked. Anakin quickly replied "I'm fine, it was an act of self-defence she meant no harm." "Well you are a suspect to the fugitive, she's a traitor to Organization XIII and needs to be brought to trial. But first we need to see your creditendials." The second Stormtrooper explained. Anakin was shocked by their accusations of the 'Nobody' that resembles his missing sister. Neeku, Tam and Kaz quickly came to his rescue and came up with a good excuse. Tam spoke first "Felix! There you are, our boss looking for you for ages." "We've been looking for you for ages, thought you were drunk at Aunt Z's" Neeku exclaimed. Kaz finished for them, as they guided Anakin away from the stormtroopers "Well thanks for finding our spare pilot for us, we should go. Good day." As they quickly moved away from the stormtroopers, rushing back to Yeager's garage. Once they were safe away from the Stormtroopers, "Guys this is gonna sound crazy, but that girl looks so much like Darcey." Anakin explained. "But that can't be her, she's still asleep and weren't her friends supposed to be with her?" Tam asked. "I'm with Tam here, cause if that was Darcey then why is she on the run?" Neeku asked. "Well she accused me of being of thug, hired by these Organisation XIII blokes. Heard of them?" Anakin stated. This left so much confusion on their faces, "Organisation XIII? Never heard of them." Kaz stated. "We should tell Yeager about this and keep it between ourselves." Tam suggested. "Right, let's go." Kaz says. So everyone went back to the garage, to inform Yeager. Kaz and Anakin looked at each other and nodded their heads, suggesting that they tell the Resistance, Poe, his aunt and his mother about the black hooded girl.

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