Chapter Twenty-Two: Sound of the Surf/Xen's in a coma

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~ Day 172 ~

Sound of the Surf

(The World That Never Was)

Racydex entered the Grey Area, ready for her mission of the day. Inside the room were Axel, Xigbar, Luxord, and Demyx. As they came in, they were greeted by Luxord. Serval members of the 'The 100' gang were sharpening their knives, restocking the 'Green light' drug and reloading their guns. "Racydex. How has the game been treating you?" Luxord asks. "Let me guess? Feeling a little light-headed?" Latavious "Lala" Johnson, aka Tattoo Man asked while joking (African American man with black shaven hair, shaven beard, freckles and brown eyes). Very dangerous and has tattoos of the people he's murdered. As he showed a packet of the 'Green Light' drug to her. "Uhh... Fine, I guess. And no thanks to your drug." Racydex says shrugging her shoulders. Lala just shrugged and puts the drugs back in the box. "Saïx shuffled us together for today's mission. I wager we'll make a good enough team." Luxord says. "I don't see why not." Racydex says. "Oh, by the way, did you hear what happened to Xen?" Luxord asks. The girl had a confused and suspicious glance on her face upon hearing Xen. Then, she look back at Luxord, anxious as to what he was about to say. "No I haven't, what about him?" Racydex asked turning her head slightly to the left. "He bungled his last mission and has been in a deep sleep ever since. Can't win them all, I suppose." Luxord says. "What?! Oh no Xen!" Racydex exclaimed in horror. Racydex's shocked voice caught the attention of Axel, Xigbar, and Demyx, causing her to look in their direction. Even 'The 100' and Lala also stopped what they were doing and looked at her as if she was being crazy. Axel and Demyx had concerned expressions on their faces while Xigbar just chuckled a bit with a smile on his face.

Unable to handle this situation involving her close best friend. She needed to see him and didn't care that the superiors would suspend her, for not attending her next mission as ordered. "I gotta go!" Racydex says feeling frantic. However, just as she turned to run out of the Grey Area when Saïx stood in front of her, blocking her path. "And where do you think you're going Racydex?" Saïx asks. "To see Xen! What else?" Racydex says. "Don't waste your time. You have a mission to take care of." Saïx says. "Which I'll do, after I see him. But for now, The mission can wait, I need to see him." Racydex says, as she went past him and headed for the doorway until the Luna Diviner spoke, causing her to stop mid-way."You cannot help your comrade. Xen will not wake up from his slumber." Saïx says. Racydex looks down and shakes his head, refusing to believe him. "That's not the point! I should still be with him! He needs me!" Racydex says. "What do you care? That useless creature is broken. Defective. He is nothing but a failure. A mistake. A waste." Saïx says. "Exactly what the big man would say." Lala suggested. "Don't call him that! Shut your mouth Lala! Xen is not a failure and he's not a mistake! He's my friend! Just leave him alone! And you can tell your boss and his assassin I said that!" Racydex snaps. "Watch your mouth shrimp! Or you'll be the next tattoo on my body!" Lala snapped at her, as he pointed his gun at her. Making the rest of 'The 100' pick up their weapons and aimed straight at her.

Saïx raised his hand at them to avoid fight, Lala lowered his gun and said "Put them away boys, she's not worth it.". They obeyed his order. "I'll call that thing whatever I want. How we deal with Xen is no concern of yours. And watch your tongue with our guests!" Saïx says. "I didn't ask you if it was! and I didn't even ask for your opinion or his." Racydex says. "Look at you, Racydex. Up in arms over a nobody." Saïx says. "Last I checked, we're all Nobodies!" Racydex says. "Settle down. Xen's failure will not affect your standings with us. You have nothing to worry about." Saïx says. "What is wrong with you?! Look, we'll do our missions later, okay? Right now, I'm going to see Xen. You can ground me later." Racydex says. Wanting no further delays, Racydex rushed out of the Grey Area. Axel watched her vanished into the hallway. He then looks toward Saix as he walks past him, who didn't even bother to look back. Axel stared at Saix with a hint of anger in his eyes. He overheard the entire conversation and he didn't like what he said about Xen. He was his friend after all and Axel wanted answers. Why was Saix being so harsh on Xen? Just what was his deal with him? He had to know. Axel turns back and looks off into the hallway, hoping that his friends were alright. Racydex hastily moves through the halls of the castle for several minutes, while running and passing by Stormtroopers, Ten of Rings agents, HYDRA agents and Longbow hunters. Eventually, Racydex finds Xen laying on the bed in his room. He was in a comatose state, but the reasons as to how and why were unclear. Racydex approached her sleeping friend and stared down at him with saddened expression. "Xen..." Racydex says. She takes out a seashell from their pocket and place it on the bed next to the pillow. It was blue and yellow seashell. Unable to do anything for Xen, Racydex set off to her mission, leaving her friend to sleep in peace.

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