Chapter Twelve: Unknown Secrets

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~ Day 117 ~


(The World That Never Was)

Three weeks have passed since Xen has regained his power over the Keyblade and things were going well for her, and Racydex. They went about their missions same as usual for the Organization, hunting down Heartless and collecting hearts, in some of their missions they had to have stormtroopers assisting them. Much to their dismay. Axel was sitting in his room on his bed when he heard the door open. It was Saïx, who came in to speak with him."Ever heard of knocking? What do you want?" Axel asks. "Tell me what Xen has been doing.?" Saïx says. "Well, how should I know? I'm not spying on him." Axel says shrugging his shoulders. "The two of you look pretty close." Saïx says. "So what? Now I gotta rat on my friends to you? Get out of my room, man." Axel says. Axel looks away."I think you should just go." Axel says. "Today, you and Xen will be executing your next mission together." Saïx says. "Well, thank you, sir, for personally delivering that message to me. You paid me a personal visit just for that?" Axel says in a sarcastic tone. "We also need you to return to Castle Oblivion soon." Saïx says. "Says We, or you, or the First Order or Lord Xemnas?" Axel asks. Saïx says nothing. Axel looks back at him "The castle hasn't given up all its secrets. And there's one in particular Lord Xemnas and the First Order are especially interested in. One even he or they doesn't know of it's whereabouts." Saïx says. "Even he and the First Order doesn't know... You mean the chamber. We turned that place inside out. If it's there, we're not gonna find it by just looking." Axel says. "Hmm... Then let me give you another incentive. Phoenix isn't the only one who can trace his beginnings to Castle Oblivion. Xen comes from there, too." Saïx says.

Axel gasped in surprise and his eyes widened. "The place where both Phoenix and Xen were born... Two of your favourite people. It's practically calling out for you. Do you still think another visit is a waste of time?" Saïx says."Hmph. Whatever. As far as the castle goes, you're the one who really wants to go there. By finding the room that Xemnas and the First Order are searching for... You would find out everything about Xemnas' true agenda and the First Order's true goals. Am I right?" Axel says. "The Chamber of Repose as well as the Chamber of Waking..." Saïx says.Saïx looks out the window past Axel, gazing out at Kingdom Hearts as it floated in the dark sky. "Xemnas isn't telling us something. The First Order are being very secretive of the development of their world-destroying battle station. They believe it will be fifty times stronger than the Death Star. And the missing chamber, the Chamber of Waking--it holds all the answers. We need those answers to gain the upper hand--for our own reasons." Saïx says. Saïx crosses his arms."And once we obtain those clues, we'll have the upper hand for our own objectives." Saïx says."Hmm... Look, I knew Vexen and Zexion would be obstacles. That's why they're not here anymore. When have I ever complained about the dirty work?" Axel says. Axel stood up from his bed."...and cleared the way to the top for you. I can handle all the dirty work. And you go all the way to the top." Axel says. "You will be going on a solo mission to Castle Oblivion. Expect the orders soon." Saïx says. With that, Saïx took his leave. Axel just stood there and thought about what he just heard."Castle Oblivion... Phoenix....and Xen..." Axel thought to himself.

(Moments later)

Racydex walked into the Grey Area and looked around. She saw Demyx, Xigbar, and Saïx in the room, but did not see Xen or Axel anywhere."Where's Xen and Axel?" Racydex asks. The young girl looked over at Demyx and Xigbar, who were talking with each other. They walked over and joined in on the conversation."Hey, squirt, you missed your amigos. Team Axel already left." Demyx says. "Team Axel?" Racydex asks confused. "Yeah, he and Xen teamed up for the day, an all guy mission. Which means they get to work half as hard. Which is so totally unfair." Demyx says. "Today you get to work with me, Tigress." Xigbar says. Racydex glared at him of the nickname and said "Don't call me "TTigress."". "Heh! You like "Poppet" better? Or maybe you're mad because Little Buddy got the best nickname?". Xigbar asks. Racydex shook her head and said "Ugh, never mind.". Xigbar puts his hand on Racydex's shoulder and said "Today we get to go explore a new world together. Pack up, Tigress, and let's get moving.". Demyx asked "How come I don't get a nickname...?". He was ignored, til Saïx approached Racydex and informed her "Racydex, in light of your excellent performance, we have decided to award you a new rank. Additional goods can be had at the shop now. I've also authorised you to synthesize your own weapon panels--a skill I suggest you acquire." Racydex is awarded the rank of Rookie. "I'm sending you and Xigbar to a new world today to conduct recon." Saïx finished explaining to her. "C'mon, Racydex. Let's get moving." Xigbar says. Xigbar stretched his left-hand out to his side, opening up a dark corridor. Once it was opened, Xigbar and Racydex headed inside and set off for the new world to begin their mission.

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