Chapter Twenty-Six: Neverland

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~ Day 195 ~

(The World That Never Was)

Racydex and Axel, stood in front of Saïx, ready for their next missions of the day. Saïx looks over at Racydex and Axel in front of them and, gives them their assigned task. "Racydex, you are to depart for Neverland on Heart Collection. Axel will be joining you." Saïx says. The young teen and red-haired Nobody shares glances with each other and smile. So without further a do the assigned task was given. Racydex and Axel set off for Neverland by going through the dark corridor.


Together they arrived in Neverland and they arrive at the Rocky Expanse. Racydex took a deep breath and was so happy to be back in Neverland again. Now she can show Axel how to fly, just like how Tinkerbell taught her how to fly. This brought back a certain memory to Racydex, she said "Feels like it's been forever.". Axel looked at her in confusion and asked "Since what?". "Since we got to talk like this. Before the First Order and other empires came, not counting Saïx giving me and Xen the 'cold shoulder' whenever we went on missions." Racydex says. Axel tapped his head a few times, then remembered and asked "Has it been that long? Time sure flies. Speaking of which... Isn't this the place?". Racydex then realised that her train of thought, was almost off the rails til she said "Oh, yeah, this is it! Here, just watch! It will knock off your flames!". Racydex closed her eyes and tries to lift off from the ground, so she could fly. Unfortunately, nothing happened, she wasn't flying and was still stuck on the ground. Axel looked at her in confusion, as she still had her eyes closed unaware that she wasn't flying. "Uhh, what are you doing, Racydex?" Axel asked. Racydex opened her eyes, realising she wasn't flying and was still on the ground. "Huh... That's so weird. I could fly before. I guess I must need that sparkly dust for it to work. Like last time, wonder where that green flying sparkling fairy is? Maybe she could help." Racydex says. "Blast it all! Not again!?" Captain Hook yelled in frustration. Racydex gets a flash of Darcey, turning to look. She was flying while fighting Captain Hook with her friends (Tam, Kaz, Donald, Goofy, Jiminy, Neeku, BB-8 and Bucket), Anakin, her dragon and the Neverland residents led by Peter Pan.

The flashback ended and they saw a Heartless appeared before Captain Hook, his crewmates and Smee. "Huh? What or who was that?" Axel asked. Racydex recognised that voice and said "I know that voice...and who is was. Come on." Axel followed Racydex through the Island til they found the source of the voice. They watched from above, seeing Captain Hook ordering and yelling at Smee and his crew. "You dig and dig, and all I guess it more Heartless. They're taking up too much of me time! We need to find that treasure before someone else does." Captain Hook yelled as he starts to glow with a strange aura. "Why makes me blood boil!" Captain Hook shouted as he turns and leaves. Smee and the crew watched him, "Captain?" One of the crew mates asked. "Where he's going?" Crewmate (2) asked. "No idea shipmates, I'll ask him. Captain!? Where are you going, Captain?" Smee asked last. "Back to the ship! I'll blast these scurvy meddlers into oblivion! Then maybe I can get back to having you bilge rats dig in peace." Captain Hook answered in foul mood, as he stomped back to the Jolly Roger ship. "If you say so, Captain!" Smee saluted. "Aye Aye Sir!" The crew mates saluted. But it didn't last long, the Heartless came closer and caused them to run back to the ship in panic.

Axel and Racydex witnessed everything, of the pirates and the buried empty treasure chests. "What's their story?" Axel asked. "Not sure, but they mentioned something about treasure maps last time." Racydex answered. "So what, they're digging for buried gold? From the looks of it, all they're digging up is trouble." Axel says. "Yeah. For some reason, Heartless spring up wherever they dig. I've noticed the pattern of when the pirates dig, heartless appear. One of the crew mates mentioned that the heartless used to work for them." Racycex says. Axel looks at her and asked "Since when you Heartless work with pirates? Never mind that, you mean Heartless are hiding in the ground?". Racydex shrugged her shoulders and said "I'm not so sure that's it.". "You got a better explanation?" Axel asked. "Look, I'm just saying. All I saw in the hole they dug was a wooden chest full of junk. Nothing but a wild goose chase." Racydex says. "And the Heartless were in the chest?" Axel asks. "I dunno. I think maybe something else is causing them to show up." Racydex says. "Like what?" Axel asked. "Didn't something seem kind of off to you about the Captain with the hook in red?" Racydex asked. "Off? Off how? (He thinks for a few minutes) Well... right now we're just guessing. Let's start by checking the places they dug up. Who knows, maybe we'll find out targets down there taking a nap." Axel says. "Yeah. Stranger things have happened." Racydex says, as sh One walks over to the hole with Axel following behind her.

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