Chapter Twenty-Four: Awakening

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~ Day 193 ~


Two weeks and six days have passed since Xen fell into a coma. Racydex visited Xen every day before leaving on her missions, hoping that he might one day wake up. They came again today to check on him."Xen...All this time and ge still won't wake up." Racydex says. Racydex walks up to Xen's bed and she stares down at her best friend as he slept peacefully. She then looks over at the large number of seashells that she had left for him on the side of his bed. Racydex glances back at Xen, closes her eyes, and lets out a sigh."I wish there was someway we could help him." Racydex says. She continued to watch over Xen as he slept, waiting and hoping for the moment when she would wake up. But that wait would soon be over.

(Xen's Mind)

In his sleep, Xen saw memories that he did not recognise. One, in particular, involved Darcey's sacrifice to Raiden in Hollow Bastion. The young teen stabbed herself with the Keyblade of Hearts, releasing Raiden's heart. She then proceeded to fall backwards while Donald, Faith and Twitchy ran to her. While Goofy and Jiminy watch in horror. Raiden sat up after recovering his heart and saw Darcey falling. He quickly got up and rushed over to her. But just as he catches her, Darcey fades away and her body breaks into wisps of light. Xen sees Anakin and his friends (Kaz, Neeku, Tam, BB-8 and Bucket) rushing towards Darcey, but like Raiden, they were too late. Raiden's' voice echoed in Xen's mind."Darcey!" The memory over, Xen opens his eyes and sits up, stunning Racydex, who has been standing over his bed)

(The World That Never Was)

Xen shot up from his bed, awakening from his coma, much to Racydex's surprise. "Whoa!" Racydex exclaimed in surprise. The raven-haired boy looked around and saw that he was in his room. He then looked over to his left to see her friend staring at him."Uh... Good Morning, Xen." Racydex greets. "Oh... Morning." Xen greets. "You woke up so suddenly you startled me." Racydex says. "S-sorry..." Xen says. "It's okay. I'm just so glad to see you're alright." Racydex says. Xen looks down and he noticed the collection of seashells alongside the pillow.. "Oh... You brought me seashells?" Xen asks. "Oh yes. I collected them after every mission I did while you were out. Think of them like 'Get Well' gifts. You can thank Rojo and Ripples for picking out ones you might liked." Racydex says. Xen smiles in appreciation at her, and by the mention of their Duotone dragon they bonded together who helped her pick out the seashells. Xen takes a seashell and holds it up to his right-ear. "Do you hear it?" Racydex asks. "Yeah. The sound of the waves." Xen says. Xen moves the seashell away from his ear and glances over at the girl. "How long was I out?" Xen asks. "About twenty days. Close to almost three weeks." Racydex says. "That long!?" Xen says surprised. "Yeah. You were sleeping so much that me, Scorcher, Rojo, Ripples, and Axel were getting worried. Plus we had work double to cover for you, Xen." Racydex says. "I'm sorry to have worried you. I feel awful." Xen apologies. Xen looks down at his chest and places his right-hand on it. "It's kind of weird that we can feel anything at all. Without having hearts to feel with." Xen says. Racydex crosses her arms and looks down. She had to agree with Xen.

It was weird that the two of them could feel emotions, especially since they were Nobodies."Yeah. That actually is kinda weird." Racydex says. "Hey, Racy. Hey, don't you have work?" Xen asks. "Huh? Oh yes, I'm about to head out." Racydex says. "Can I come, too? I'd like to tag along." Xen says. Racydex was surprised by Xen's request. He had just awakened from a three week coma and now he wanted to join him for her mission?. "Are you sure? Don't you need some more rest?" Racydex asks. "After sleeping for three weeks? I'll be fine. C'mon, take me with you." Xen says. Racydex was debating to herself whether she should allow Xen to join or not. But she hasn't seen him in almost three weeks and she was worried about him non-stop much to Saïx's shenanigan. "All right... Sure." Racydex says. Xen smiles and the two best friends giggled a bit together.

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