Chapter Twenty-Three: Action, Reaction

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~Day 174~

~Action, Reaction~

(The World That Never Was)

Racydex entered the Grey Area, ready for her mission of the day. Inside the room was Lex Luthor playing Chess with Otis Graves, before looking at his recent findings from his former prison cell. When Superman exposed him for the criminal mastermind against Metropolis city. The Kree soldiers were patrolling the castle grounds, some of them walked past them. Otis saw Raycdex and asked "Hey pretty face, care to join?". Racydex felt disgusted and walked away from Otis. Just as he was about to walked up to her, Lex stopped him. "Otis, let her be. She's has a job to do.". Lex told him. "Exactly! Thank you Mr Luthor." Racydex stated, as she went to talk to Saïx. "A pleasure Agent XIII, if I can what am I saying. I mean when I get rid of Supergirl, Superman, their friends and those alien roaches. The world will be mine to rule." Lex said, while laughing to himself. "We all hope you will Mr Luthor......Raycdex finish your preparations and be on your way. There's a new world where its magic prevents ageing." Saïx stated, before giving Racydex her mission. Opening a dark portal to Neverland. Allowing Racydex to enter.


Arriving through the dark portal, she is sent to a new island world. Which is Neverland where it prevents the inhabitants from growing up or ageing. There is a pirate ship waiting just offshore. Unknown to her, she was amazed by the beauty and wonder of Neverland. She saw trees, mountains, forests and animals everywhere. "So this is Never Land... What was that Heartless I'm looking for called again? A Wavecrest? It's gotta be around here somewhere." Racydex asked. She starts walking into a further part of the Island while passing by some rivers, waterfalls, trees and animals. She smiled at the sight, however, she was aware of the dangers of this world. She heard voices, they were both male. "Faster, Smee! Put your back into it!". Captain Hook ordered his first mate. "Aye, aye, Captain Hook! You heard the captain shipmates," Smee replied. "Aye Aye Smee." The peg-legged small red-haired pirate replied. To her curiosity, she followed the source of the male voices. She looks over to see a pirate captain with a large plumed hat and a hook for his left hand. In his other hand, he holds a large piece of parchment. A short stout man is digging a hole in front of him. Beside them are two or three more pirates all dressed in pirate clothes. One short, one in green and in red. "There's no mistaking it this time! The treasure's most certainly here!" Captain Hook declared. "That would be a nice change from the last dozen places, eh, Captain? And with the luck you had finding all those treasure maps at once, we'll be rich in no time!" Smee says. "We'll be the richest parented in Neverland." The short pirate said. "The maps are within our grasp!" The Red pirate cheered. "Precisely men, Heh heh heh... Some poor fool must be cursing himself now for losing 'em." Captain Hook smiled, as he twirled his moustache with his hook. "Treasure maps?" Raycdex thought to herself, as she observed the pirates from a distance. "Enough blabbering, men! Mr Smee! Get that shovel digging!" Captain Hook ordered. "Aye, Aye, sir!" Smee and the other pirates replied to the Captain.

As ordered the pirates and Smee grabbed their shovels and started digging in the spot where their Captain found the treasure. The men continued to dig, til Smee's shovel hits something. "Captain! Captain, I've struck something!" Smee exclaimed. "Oh!? Ha ha! Show me what manner of treasure we've found!" Captain Hook says. Smee puts the shovel down and pulls out a wooden chest, with the help of the other three pirates, which they open together. But to their disappointment, there were no treasure maps to follow. "What???!!!!!" The three pirates yelled in anger and frustration. "Blast! Another dead end!" Captain Hook snapped in anger. "You mean you brought us out of here for a dead end?!" The green pirate asked in annoyance. "Watch your mouth Mr Starkey! Or you'll walk the plank!" Captain Hook yelled at his crewmate. That silenced the other crew mates. "Now, now, don't you worry, Captain. We still got a whole pile of other maps to follow." Smee says, calming down the other pirates. "He's right Captain." The Red pirate says, agreeing with Smee. "Confound it... If we don't find the right one soon, someone else could walk off with me treasure." Captain Hook grunted in annoyance but agreed with his first mate at the same time. "Could it be Peter Pan and his friends?" The peg-legged pirate asked. "If it was Pan and his scurvy brats, they would leave a sign here!" Captain Hook snapped, til a strange aura surrounds him.

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