Chapter 1: A New Straw Hat

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A/N: well this is a different story than I'm used to doing. This will be a side project I'll be doing and the updates won't be as prevalent as in my other story unless enough of you guys want this to be a larger story.
I also felt like having Yamato and Luffy be together since I love both of them and Yamato deserves all the love.


The sounds of Celebration shook the country of Wano to its very core the night  Kaido was defeated by the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy. At the news of Kaido's defeat the entire country erupted into a celebration and joyous cheers were heard from islands away. The cities were all alive with good times, lights, and dancing. And in the flower capital itself was the crew responsible for it all.

The Straw Hat Pirates

The streets were decorated with lanterns lighting up the skies and the villages. There were tables full of food along the sides of the street. On the streets were the citizens partying like there was no tomorrow and even members of the crew with all the friends they have made in the country along the way. The citizens have prepared a feast for the saviors of their country and in the flower capitals twin hall rested a large table with the Straw Hats captain himself, Monkey D. Luffy eating like no tomorrow

And to the right of him also eating large amounts of food was the Daughter of Kaido, Yamato. After fighting Kaido several times and spending time together had forged a great bond between the two warriors. Luffy and Yamato were a duo to be feared and were even more feared when it came to food in this instance. They both would consider each other very good friends but unfortunately for Yamato, she was going through a dilemma in her head.

She has asked to join Luffy's crew several times to be denied all those times, but she thought this time it could turn out differently. But she also thought she should stay in Wano and protect her country like Oden.


The greatest influence in her life happened the day she discovered his journal and she dedicated her life to following in his footsteps and she's been happy doing just that. But now...she wants to follow her own path with her new friend. One of her only real friends after... Ace.

The memory of her friend rang in her head for a bit. And it stings just as hard as it did 2 years ago seeing his virve card burn away. And she couldn't believe that his brother was in front of her and they fought alongside each other many times.

'He's just like you described him Ace described him', Yamato thought to herself in her head as she looked down to the rubber man beside her with a small smile.

'There's so much of Ace in you Luffy, don't let that go to waste for me, please' the Oni finished her thoughts as she went back to eating the large feast in front of her. The two options still rang in the back of her head as she ate and still haunted her to make a decision.

Follow Oden and he'll Momonosuke become the shogun of Wano...or follow their hearts desire to finally see what the world had to offer

While the Oni is struggling internally the crowd is seen looking at the two of them in pure bewilderment at the amount of food the 2 are consuming. Most could understand how Yamato was able to eat this much due to her clear towering height but what surprised the crowd was the fact that the 5'9 rubber boy could eat as much or even more than the Oni.

Luffy is not thinking of anything but the food at the moment. He's just happy to have stopped Kaido from being able to oppress the island anymore. And he's glad he made a friend as hood at Yamato. For the first time since the party started Luffy stopped eating and looked up to his friend sitting next to him.

The Straw Hat and the Oni (A Luffy x Yamato Story)Where stories live. Discover now