Chapter 19: Girl Talk and Boy Talk

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Hello here's another chapter ready and I hope you like it. This is a special chapter because I had a fellow author read out and offer to proofread the stories and fix any mistakes before I upload it. So I just wanna give a huge thanks to AverageOPenjoyer for helping this story and helping me write. He has some great works on his accounts so check him out because he's planning to make more fanfics soon. And he even has a 4 part luffy x Yamato story that's really well made along with some other ships.

Anyways let's begin


With Luffy having passed out into a nap, the crew was currently looking over his body with a multitude of questions in their minds.

"I should probably take him to my office to check up on him," Chopper suggested, turning to the crew.

Everyone nodded, and the young reindeer transformed into his Strong Point form to enable him to pick the captain up. He made his was to the doctor's office and set the sleeping Luffy down on one of the beds.

With Luffy sleeping, he was thankfully able to do a basic checkup much easier than he normally was. But even with all the examinations Chopper took, he found nothing wrong with Luffy. Surprisingly, everything was normal aside from a slightly elevated heartbeat and a decently large bruise that was forming on the side of Luffy's neck. And not to mention two claw marks the were one his back.

Chopper wrote this all down on a clipboard and hopped down from his chair and began to walk back to the kitchen.

When he walked in, the Straw Hats all turned their attention to him. Usopp was the first to break the silence and ask, "So what's wrong with him, Chopper?"

Chopper looked down at his clipboard, and as his eyes scanned the paper, he eventually got to where he wanted. "Luffy's vitals are normal; his blood pressure is normal, no sign of any brain damage. The only thing I found was a slightly above-average heart rate, and there's a bruise forming on his neck and his back is scratched up. But he'll recover pretty quickly." Chopper concluded the report and looked back to the crew to find more confused looks.

"Huh, a bruise?" Usopp asked.

"And why on his neck?" Franky questioned as well.

There was one crew member present who  smirked at hearing the news. Realizing both Luffy and Yamato had been gone before Luffy's little "situation",  it didn't take much effort for Zoro to know where the mark had come from. He set his mug down on the table and turned to look at Robin but found... nothing.

'That's weird, she must have snuck away,' he looked around and noticed the lack of another crew member 'along with Nami, I guess.'

When Robin first saw the oddly placed bruise on Luffy's neck, she became suspicious of the situation. The same could be said for Nami, who had the same suspicions as well. But unlike Robin, she had an evil grin on her face. Her plan was coming into motion.

Nami tapped Robin's arm and pointed to the back exit of the kitchen, and Robin nodded before the two quietly left while the male members of the crew were still discussing the issue. Once they exited the kitchen, the two had an idea of where Yamato would be currently and started their trek to the writing room.

Once they reached the door to the writing room, Nami knocked on the door and called out for Yamato, but to no avail.  Robin tried to look through the window, but they were covered by the blinds. Robin crossed her arms over her chest, and flower petals began to bloom around her arms as she spoke.

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