Chapter 13: Luffy, The 0 Star Chef

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Here's a new chapter ready so I hope you enjoy. As always if you want to say something about this story or just stuff like that my DMs are always open and I enjoy talking to new people about stuff like this.

I should have explained this before but I didn't so on the topic of when Luffy is taking about Yamato. I should have wrote Yama-o but i just shortened to Yamao so I thought I should let you know so that you don't think it's a typo. Also Luffy will only say Yamato when it's a more important moment between them.

Also let's go 5k reads so we are almost there to the 10k smut chapter.

Anyways let's begin


With breakfast concluded aboard the Sunny and Yamato stepped out and began to walk up the stairs. The Oni walked until she saw a large door and couldn't stop smiling at what was about to happen. She had asked if Franky could install an extra room on the Sunny the other day and he had it completed in 10 minutes.

Yamato finally had her own room to start writing in her log book and she couldn't be happier. She opened the door and walked in to find a tatami mat she brought from Wano on the floor. She eagerly sat on her knees and brought out her ink and her feather pen. She dipped the pen into the ink and began to write all the way back to where she left off the other day.

The memories of her and Luffy's fight with Kaido crossed her mind and thought it would be a good starting point from where she left off. Her smile never faded as she wrote down a recollection of that fight and the memory of herself finally casting aside her ties to Kaido.

While the Oni was writing in the logbook Zoro could be seen in the crow's nest working out while Robin sat on the bench reading away from the chaos downstairs. She always liked to stay up here whenever she wished for a more quiet area away from all the noise. And Zoro didn't seem to mind her being here as long as she didn't distract him from training. Robin kept to herself most of the time up here but she couldn't deny that teasing him was worth it to see his annoyed blushing face.

Zoro set the large weight down and looked out the window to look at the deck and saw nothing out of the normal. That was until he saw Luffy Look around and sneak his way into the kitchen.

"What's that moron doing now?", Zoro huffed out.

Robin was watching the whole thing and just giggled, "It seems our captain is still hungry".

The swordsman groaned and sat down on the bench on the other side of the room and started to sleep. Robin giggled at this and looked down toward the kitchen. 'Hmm... the captain seems to be entering the kitchen for a different reason... what could he be doing?', Robin thought.

After several minutes Sanji was leaning on the railing near the pool where Chopper and Usopp could be seen playing. Sanji knew Yamatos was writing in her new writing room so he thought he'd seen Luffy with Chopper and Usopp. But he didn't see any sign of him.

That raised some concern to the chef who began to fear the idea that he was eating the remainder of their food. Sanji put his lighter inside his suit pocket and began to walk down the stairs toward the kitchen. But as he got closer to the kitchen he smelt... burning

"Oh no what has that idiot done!", Sanji said as he walked to the door and kicked the door down expecting to be met with the sight of Luffy raiding the fridge but... He wasn't met with that. Instead, he was met with the most unexpected sight he could have expected.

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