Chapter 27: The Plan to Rescue Luffy

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Well I'm finally back after a long break for the holidays and I wanted to say sorry for the wait but I had a lot happen to me recently.

But I'm finally back and I'm inspired once again after seeing another Luffy and Yamato story pop up so expect uploads on every other Friday at the absolute most. If it's completed before that I'll make sure to upload it before since you all deserve it.

Also happy New Year and im hoping your excited for many more chapters of this strip and waiting to see where it goes story wise.

Anyways, let's begin


Straw Hat Luffy was set to be executed within 4 days

The news was dreadful to the Straw Hat Pirates, who were gathered in Nami's cartography room staring at a map of the grand line looking for any way they could get back to Logue town quickly where Luffy was being held.

Nami was looking for any shortcuts they could find in order to get there quickly. Yet, she was still confused about how the Marines would get there so quickly.

"They must have a shortcut!? How else could they arrive so quickly", Nami said annoyed at their current state.

"Maybe not", Jinbe said

Everyone looked toward Jinbe confused at what he had to say. "They might have a shortcut through the redline but that wouldn't be enough for them to arrive on time".

"Then how did they get so far ahead of us?", Chopper asked as he sat on top of Zoro's shoulder.

"Simple... remember how I told you fishmen can control the currents in times of panic. Well some fishmen can train themselves to control the very waves anytime they wish".

Everyone was shocked. So they must have a fishman marine who can control the waves and that's why they are so far ahead. But to be able to master the waves must take a level of skill they haven't seen before.

Franky interest was piqued, "Wait... so are you saying you can do that Jinbe-bro?". The cyborg was also curious to see if he could do anything with the Sunny to help their current situation.

"Well I've been practicing lately... so yes I can help this ship sail with the current. But even with that we still don't know where their shortcut through we'll lose a lot of time trying to find it".

The moment of hope was cut short as the reality of Jinbe's words set in. They really didn't have any way to find the shortcut within the short amount of time they had.

Zoro was near the front of the map scowling down at their inability to find a way to Luffy. But just as Zoro was about to come up with a different plan something suddenly hit him.

It was an idea so idiotic it may work.

"Why don't we cut through it?", He said just as the room went quiet.

The room turned to him and they looked at him like he was crazy. "You idiot you can't cut through the redline!!", yelled Nami who stood next to him.

Zoro crossed his arms and looked at the navigator, "And why not? I've cut through things harder than some rock before".

Nami groaned and rubbed her head. The crew began to think of the plan and began to wonder if it would really work.

Yamato, who was silent the entire meeting and simply held onto Luffy's hat with all her might not letting it go began to think through Zoro's idea. If there was any way she could help rescue Luffy she would help no matter what.

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