The Straw Hat Holdiay Special

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Hello everyone, by the time I'm finishing this it's Christmas Eve so if you have any celebrations going on whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any other holiday during this time of the year I hope you enjoy it and stay safe.

This story isn't canon and I know it comes at a bad time considering what happens the last few chapters but I couldn't resist a holiday special. So it takes place right before the crew arrived at Laugh Tale just as a frame of reference.

Anyways let's begin


Snow silently fell from the sky on the 24th of December. The ocean was calm as the relaxing snow hit the deck of the ship.

Luffy stepped out to the deck and looked up at the snow falling. He smiled since he was happy to have a snowy Christmas Eve. The young captain knew who would enjoy this and ran into the girl's room.

Luffy busted through the door which woke up Nami Robin and Yamato who were all sleeping. He scanned the room and found Yamato with her hair all over the place from bedhead. He smiled and pointed behind him to the deck.

"Yamato come out it's snowing!!!", He said while he laughed.

Nami grew furious as she punched the nightstand near her bed. "DON'T JUST RUN IN HERE LUFFY!!! WHAT IF WE WERE CHANGING YOU, MORON!!!".

Luffy titled his head, "Why would I wanna see you naked?".

Nami didn't know whether to be grateful or upset at his response. But she felt the wind beside her blow as Yamato belted out the door following her captain to join in on the snowy day.

Nami sighed and flopped back into her bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm surprised he hasn't done that before today", Robin giggled at Luffy's antics and found it amusing. Nami sighed and turned to face the archeologist who was getting dressed currently.

"Hey, did you come in late last night? You still seem tired like you didn't get much sleep", Nami asked.

Robin paused for a moment before she turned around with a small smile, "Just some late-night reading is all".

'Might as well get dressed if I'm already up', Nami thought as she turned from the archeologist to stretch and look out the window to see Luffy and Yamato doing snow angels.

This caused Nami to smile before she shut the blinds to change.

Luffy and Yamato were both wearing their typical clothing even though it was snowing. Neither seemed to mind as they began rolling a ball up into a snowman.

Luffy was finishing up the top of the snowman when he looked to see Yamato making a flat circle with a dome on top of it. He looked confused before he watched as Yamato smiled ear to ear and put the thing on top of the snowman.

"It's you Luffy!", She said happily as a wide smile appeared on her face.

Luffy looked back at the snowman and it took a minute but he soon realized it really did look like him after all.

He laughed and jumped up into the air and side-hugged Yamato who held onto his side as well enjoying the warmth from the embrace.

They let go and Luffy began to roll up a larger snowball than the last one. Yamato looked confused but she followed his lead and rolled up a slightly smaller ball of snow and placed it on top of the last one.

The Straw Hat and the Oni (A Luffy x Yamato Story)Where stories live. Discover now