Chapter 10: Luffy and Yamato's Day Out

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A/N:I don't own one piece.

Here's a new chapter dog this story and it's basically just a set of for next chapter but this one does have some cute moments between the two.

Anyways enjoy


Luffy's eyes gently flickered open lightly as the sound of calm waves gently crashed against the sunny.

As his eyes fully opened he wiped away a trail of saliva traveling down the side of his mouth. His view was being covered by some locks of long white hair and he moved the hair out of his eyes. As his body regained some functions he realized that two long arms were wrapped around his body pulling his body into someone else's body.

He knew who it was and smiled as he turned around and saw the sleeping body of his lover Yamato. The Oni looked peaceful as she snored lightly breathing in and out mouth still agape.

Luffy turned his head around and rested his head back against his pillow and fell asleep once again.

After about 30 minutes Yamato's eyes began to stir and she was now fully awake.

The Oni looked down and saw her captain and boyfriend in her arms she smiled and pulled him further against her body and she giggled lightly.

The motion seemed to have caused Luffy to wake up and he yawns lightly as now looks around. After turning his head to see the Oni smiling at him with her amber eyes, Luffy laughed.

"Hey Yamao", Luffy said smiling

"Luffy! How did you sleep", Yamato asked as she began to hug him once again.

Luffy laughed as Yamato pulled him flush against her body and said, "I slept great, how about you"

Yamato laughed and replied, "I slept pretty good too... although we may need a larger bed".

The two of them have been sleeping in a guest room built by Franky. Yamato didn't mind sleeping in the boy's room but Franky reminded the two of them about his room. Robin didn't mind if Luffy stayed in the girl's room but Nami definitely forbade it.

So they compromised and stayed in here and it was pretty comfortable.

The two stayed like this for a while longer until Luffy's stomach began to grumble with hunger.

"Uhhhhh fooooodddd", Luffy said while he was drained.

Yamato checked the time and saw that during this time Sanji would be cooking in the kitchen. She smiled and reached underneath Luffy and picked him up bridal style.

"Wha- Hey put me down!", Luffy yelled.

Yamato smiled down at the man in her arms and began to walk out the door.

"Hmmm... nope", Yamato said

Luffy began to struggle around a bit but Yamato's smile and joy only brightened as she held onto him tighter and nuzzled the top of his head affectionately.

After a bit of fighting Luffy ran out of energy due to the lack of food and just laid in Yamato's arms with an upset look on his face.

Yamato beamed and walked out of the deck of the Sunny and looked toward the kitchen. As she walked inside the kitchen she was met with half the crew already eating.

The crew all greeted her but looked surprised to see Yamato carrying Luffy.

"Why are you carrying Luffy like that?", Chopper asked.

The Straw Hat and the Oni (A Luffy x Yamato Story)Where stories live. Discover now