Chapter 18: The Oni's Hunger (18+)

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A/N: here's the chapter you've all badness waiting for. And just as a preemptive measure I need to say be weary. I have a feeling this smut won't be very good so I just wanted to say not to get your hopes up to much. I tried my best but I'm still not very good at smut so I'm sorry if I let any of you down. Anyways if you do enjoy let me know and if there's anything you see that I can improve upon then I'd be happy to hear it so I can improve on smut chapters. This chapter is a very tough one for me to upload since I'm not confident in it but I still promised you a smut so I delivered.

Don't worry if this ain't your thing I'm getting into a real narrative and a real story I wanna tell with this couple so you have that to look forward to soon.

Anyways let's begin.

This is gonna be bad


Not being able to deal with the feeling anymore Yamato rushed to the bench on the side of the crow's nest and looked at the innocent face of her captain. She then tapped on the left side of the bench as an invitation for Luffy to join her.

Luffy smiled and walked over and sat down next to the Oni who was glistening with sweat. He looked up at her and Yamato gulped nervously as she stared at the young man next to her. "L-Luffy... what did you come up to say", Yamato managed to get out as the heat began to dial down.

Luffy snapped his fingers trying to remember and after a bit, he eventually stopped and looked at her with a smile. " How do you sex with someone? I asked Nami and she told me to ask you", Luffy's cheerful laughs were a stark contrast with Yamato's sudden gasp.

'Why Nami!? Why why why why why!', Yamato was panicking internally as the heat suddenly returned once Luffy brought sex up. The Oni had to compose herself and with her willpower, she looked down to him.

"Luffy... sex is when two people... wanna grow closer together", Yamato stuttered, "w-with someone you love and who you wanna have a deeper connection with".

"Can we sex then Yama-o!", Luffy said happily as he jumped up from the bench and stood in front of Yamato. Yamato's eyes widened and her breathing became even more labored.

"L-Luffy... d-do you know how you do it", Yamato asked clearly in distress at the situation the world put her in. "I know you can make a baby doing sex but I don't wanna have them yet. If we can do it without that then it'll be a great way to bond", Yamato could only stare in at the rubber boy as he said this and she began to consider it.

"Luffy", Yamato breathed out anxiously and she stared at him, "Are you sure".

Luffy nodded, "You'll need to show me cause I don't know how you do it Shishishi".

"W-well Luffy... you normally start with kissing then... you take off your clothes... then... it starts", Yamato was becoming more and more hungry for the man in front of her.

"Oh, so that's how you do it! Shishishi why didn't I think of that", Luffy laughed which caused Yamato to laugh alongside him.

When Luffy saw the face Yamato gave him it gave him an odd feeling. Luffy subconsciously began to walk closer to his crew member and even with Yamato sitting down and Luffy was standing up, her head was still a few inches above his. Both of their smiles faded and they looked at each other with half-lidded eyes and Luffy was now pushing his knees against the bench.

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