Chapter 30: All Hope Lost! Execution Ahead of Schedule!

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A/N: here's the newest chapter and I hope you enjoy. I recently posted a question on my profile so go check it out as I'm asking what you'd want for a 40k milestone special when I reach 40k.

Anyways sorry for long wait I really wanna get back on schedule and I hope it happens soon.

Anyways let's begin


Sounds of boots running against the ground were the only thing heard along the streets of Loguetown. They had expanded the land available with the power of Akainu's devil fruit, which had allowed them to increase the island size significantly to put up more defenses. It was almost unrecognizable from what it used to look like as the cozy-looking island was now an island of metal defenses and towers for lookouts.

Nearly every Marine from across the globe was stationed here as they awaited the arrival of the prisoner. And based on the holler from the officers it seems he was arriving shortly. Officers, captains, and vice admirals were already there. The only ones left were admirals who'd arrive with Straw Hat. As the ship came into view they formed a passageway all the way towards the main building they set up which housed a holding cell made for him.

When the ship finally docked the admirals stepped out one by one and each marine saluted them as they passed. And out came Straw Hat Luffy who was being escorted by 2 heavily armed guards as he remained wrapped in sea prison stone chains and handcuffs.

Due to a lack of food in his body, Luffy was out of energy and could barely even walk straight as they guided him. In his slow state, Luffy did recognize a few faces as he passed like Smokey and that glasses lady with the sword. They locked eyes for a split second before Luffy was pushed past them and guided through the unrecognizable streets of Loguetown all the way until he reached a large building with several marines stationed out front.

They pushed Luffy into the cell and he landed harshly against the ground. The Captain winced and looked up to see everyone leave him alone. He tried to wiggle out of the chains again but no use as they were far too tight and he was too tired to get out.

"Dammit... this sucks!!!," Luffy collapsed to the ground. His stomach continued to growl for food as it now began to feel painful from the lack of meat. He took in his surroundings and he noticed there was absolutely nothing in his cell. The entire top and bottom seemed to be covered in a special type of sea prism stone; they looked like a metal of some kind. Luffy was out of ideas and out of energy and could do nothing but rest on the ground.

The sound of a door opening and locking caught his attention as he saw someone walk through. He saw gray hair and as the person turned he saw the saddened face of his grandpa Monkey D. Garp.

"Grandpa?" Luffy said in surprise as he saw his grandpa walk in slowly as he sat down on the other side of the bars. Luffy has never seen Garp with this look in his eyes before the saddened and softened look.

"Hey Luffy..." Garp said softly as the rubber boy shimmed his way so he was facing him as he rested on the floor. "What are you doing here?" Luffy asked quietly as he coughed.

Garp looked down and breathed out, "I... I'm sorry Luffy... I tried to convince Akainu it was a bad idea but he didn't listen... I- I'm sorry!" Now, for one of the few times in his life, Garp had tears coming down his face. Luffy wasn't used to seeing Garp like this so it came as a shock to see him sad.

"This sucks! I wanna go see my crew, Gramps!" Luffy yelled as he wiggled in his chains. Garp wiped away the waterworks and sighed, "They are on their way Luffy... we got reports that they cut through the redline."

The Straw Hat and the Oni (A Luffy x Yamato Story)Where stories live. Discover now