Chapter 24: Luffy is Captured! Akainu's Plan Set in Motion

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A/N: I don't own one piece

This is where this story starts to get going truly. I'm very excited to do this next part and I hope you like it.

Thanks to AverageOPenjoyer as always for editing

And let's begin


The Straw Hats have been relaxing on the Island for 3 days now, and Shanks was said to arrive within the next 2.

Luffy, being who he is, has been impatiently waiting for the arrival of his old friend. In order to combat his boredom, he'd been spending most of his time exploring the island and goofing around with Yamato.

One day Luffy was unexpectedly pulled away from the rest of the crew by Nami and Robin. The two women pulled him into Nami's Cartography room which had a whiteboard on it.

"What's all this? Why did you pull me away from my lunch", Luffy pouted to the Navigator and Archeologist. Nami pulled out a chair and pointed to it.

"Sit", Nami said politely. "We need you to know about how a proposal works' ', She said.

Luffy became more confused by this and his brain was going into overtime trying to understand.

"What Nami is trying to say is that we want to tell you about how you should give Yamato an Engagement Ring", said Robin.

Luffy tilted his head to the side and a large question mark appeared by his head. "An enlargement ring? Why's it called that".

Robin giggled and Nami groaned as she slapped her forehead. Robin chipped in saying, "It's engagement Luffy... it's when two people will get married and you give your spouse a ring".

The gears in Luffy's head began to turn as the pieces were being put together.

"Wait... so you're supposed to give the person your dating a ring?", Luffy asked. If he was correct about what he was thinking then he knew exactly what to do now.

Nami was pleasantly surprised by how Luffy caught on and looked at Robin who was smiling at Luffy's answer. Nami coughed and nodded, "Wow...That's right Luffy".

Luffy smiled widely and got up from the chair and stretched his arms. "Okay, Thanks ", He said, "I'm gonna go grab a ring then!".

The next thing the two saw was Luffy running out the door as he jumped to the dock. Nami flared up and yelled out at him. She couldn't believe that they put this whole presentation together to explain it and he just up and left.


Luffy didn't hear her as he ran toward the location of a jeweler he saw a few days ago. Yamato and him both looked inside the store window to see shimmering jewelers and gemstones only to be denied entry due to the chaos they started earlier(it's a very long story).

"Okay... time to find Yamato a ring!"

A Marine Ship just off the Coast of the Island

Just beyond the shoreline of the island, a navy vessel holding some of the strongest and highest ranking marines there were, was lying in wait. If we take a look at the people on the ship, we'd see a sight not many people would get to see.

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