Chapter 23: The Worlds Reaction

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A/N: Sorry for the delay it took longer than expected. This is just a chapter for reactions so I hope you enjoy seeing them.

Next chapter something huge happens so I hope your looking forward to it. And if you enjoyed make sure to star and comment.

Huge thanks to AverageOPenjoyer for editing your very appreciated and make sure you go check out his story's they're great.

Anyways let's begin and I hope you enjoy


has been a few days since Straw Hat Luffy became King of the Pirates and the news of such an occasion brought the world to a shuddering halt. The young reporter, Spencer, had skyrocketed into fame with his story and now the world anxiously awaited what would happen next.

Aboard the Red Force

The captain of the Red-haired Pirates had recently received the news that Luffy had arrived on one of their islands and the Red Force was now heading toward them. It was about time the two of them reunited with each other.

Shanks walked out to the deck of the vessel and noticed a seagull coming toward their ship. It was one of the messenger birds that delivered news and bounty posters to ships in the New World.

The bird landed on the railing of the ship and Shanks smiled and walked over to the avian.
"MAIL CALL!!!!!", The bird stretched out like nails on a chalkboard which caused Shanks to cover his ear with his arm as the sound caused damage to his ears.

"Ow! What did you get for us today?", Shanks asked as he recovered from the screech.
"BIG NEWS!" *squawk* "Monkey D. Luffy King of the Pirates" *squawk*.

Shanks's body froze and he stared at the bird for any signs of him lying. But he couldn't sense him lying even with his haki.

'He finally did it'

Shanks soon formed a massive grin on his face and he quickly grabbed the paper from the bird's talon with his only hand.
He flicked the news down and saw the headlining title in the largest possible format.
"Monkey D. Luffy The King of the Pirates has found Gold Rogers's illusive Treasure".

Shanks's memories flashed to Luffy saying that as a child and the day he gave him his hat flashed in his mind.

"Luffy...", Shanks said to himself in a whispered voice.

He felt... proud for some reason. It was a feeling similar to a father being proud of his son and Shanks found the sensation weird.

He looked at the picture and saw Luffy smiling at the camera with his usual Hoffa expression. And behind him, he saw that girl Yamato leaning down smiling behind his shoulder.

"Looks like the news was right... I wonder how Makino will react", Shanks laughed as he thought of Makino squealing as she found out Luffy's dating someone.

"I'll have to thank Tomas for welcoming the Straw Hats when I get there"

"You did good, Luffy... Now we have our promise to keep", Shanks rolled up the paper, ran to the crew's quarters, and busted the door down.

"Everyone look!!!"

Kamabakka Kingdom

The revolutionary Army was in a period of unusual calm. They had been planning for something but as of recently, the days were filled with no craziness... well until Sabo grabbed the latest newspaper.

The Straw Hat and the Oni (A Luffy x Yamato Story)Where stories live. Discover now