Chapter 20: Our Merienda! The Former Sweet Commander Katakuri!

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Well here's another chapter for you today and I feel like you'll all really like it. I'm bringing in one of my favorite characters so If you couldn't guess who it was last chapter then you'll soon see.

Thanks to AverageOPenjoyer for help proofreading and grammar. Go check out his stories there all really well made.

And I don't know if it'll be next weeks chapter or 2 weeks from now but expect a Halloween special to be released. And if you have any thoughts on the story I'm more than happy to hear them. And if you wanna talk, my DMs are open and so is my discord if you wanna DM me on there I can send you my name if you'd like.

Anyways let's begin


When Luffy spotted an island ahead, he ordered that the crew stop at it. The island was apparently an island full of bakers and food, so Luffy was even happier they stopped here.

The crew split up to go their own ways and explore around a bit. When Luffy and Yamato had sprinted out toward the town, Nami followed them to make sure they didn't anger the locals. And Sanji was happy to find more ingredients and he could be seen touring the village with an old chef.

Chopper was overjoyed at the smell of desserts and quickly dragged Robin and Zoro away with him, shouting happily.  All the others had either decided to stay on the ship or to go get something to eat.

Luffy and Yamato began to run around Bakers Island, only to be stopped by Nami who yelled at Luffy for being so loud.

He begrudgingly calmed down (slightly), and eventually found himself looking at the entrance of a large donut bakery.

"Hey Yama-O, wanna get a donut?!" Luffy pointed at the door and his eyes sparkled.

Yamato gazed up at the sign saying 'Grandma's bakery' and shrugged her shoulders, "Sure Luffy".

Luffy grabbed her hand and pulled her inside while he laughed excitedly. The words of Nami were unheard by him and in turn, Nami groaned before she followed the two in.

The bell ringing near the door grabbed the old lady's attention who turned around. "Oh hello dearies, what can I get for you 3?".

The 3 straw hats looked up and eventually placed their order.

Nami ordered one strawberry donut.

Yamato ordered 2 vanilla.

And Luffy ordered 3 whole boxes.

They had to wait for their order since they were made fresh. But Luffy had noticed a large amount of boxes already at the ready near the back door to the kitchen.

"Hey lady, why make us wait if there's already a lot of donuts prepared?", Luffy asked

"LUFFY!", Nami yelled out and was about to hit him.

The lady poked her head out and laughed, "Oh, that's for a special customer, he's a farmer who comes here every day and orders 9 boxes or more so I have to already have those at the ready".

"Oh okay"

It was unexpected to Nami at least for Luffy to give up that easily when it comes to food. 'Being with Yamato must be doing him good'.

After several minutes the food had been delivered and the 3 began eating. It was a funny sight watching the trio eat, the way they each differed in their eating showed their differing eating styles. Nami ate slowly and made sure to keep herself and the table clean. Yamato ate significantly faster but only maintained to drop a few crumbs. And Luffy, predictably, inhaled his food like a large vacuum, not caring for the mess he made. The girls finished their food and watched Luffy eat with a mixture of irritation ( Nami ), and amusement (Yamato).

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