Chapter 31: An Old Friend's Help! An Execution Underway

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A/N: here's a new chapter and I hope you enjoy


The air was extremely tense for everyone on the Thousand Sunny. Since they got word that Luffy was going to be killed ahead of schedule, their already low morale dipped even further. But with Yamato's outburst, she had convinced them to continue forward without fail.

Sanji was stocking up on meals for the crew since he knew a battle was imminent. Nami and Jinbe were at the helm trying to find the fastest possible route. Usopp was helping Franky with a secret project inside his workshop. Brook tried his best to lighten the mood with music so he was currently strumming his guitar soothingly near the stairs to the upper deck.

Chopper alongside Robin was looking for medical books to prepare for any medical procedures they might need to do during the battle. Zoro had recently regained consciousness and had been filled in on the recent events. Unsurprisingly he tried to get up from the medical bed. But, Robin assisted the doctor by strapping Zoro down to the bed so he didn't overexert himself.

And finally, Yamato had finally found the heart to continue writing in the crew's logbook. She hadn't updated it since Luffy was captured and she decided it would take her mind off Luffy for a bit. She hastily wrote about the recent events, not wanting to waste time writing and instead wanted to wait on the deck for any sights of danger.

Below the deck in Franky's workshop, Usopp was helping the shipwright put the finishing touches on one of his new inventions. Usopp took his goggles off and turned to the cyborg, "Soooo... what's this supposed to do?"

Franky smirked and patted the machine, "It's simple really... just hand me your slingshot and you'll see." Usopp was slightly concerned by that but he trusted his friend so he grabbed his slingshot from the wall and handed it to Franky who grabbed it and sat it on the rack.

The machine they created was a large oval-shaped oven with a sign on top titled "Super Punch Your Weapons". It stood on 4 legs and inside the "mouth" were several strange gears and electronics. Franky set the slingshot inside and the gears began to shift and a loud buzzing noise came from the machine.

Usopp and Franky took a step back but eventually a light *ding* triggered and Usopp sighed in relief. Franky smiled and stepped forward and opened the hatch. Usopp watched as he pulled out his slingshot and it looked different from before.

The shaft was metal-looking now with silver engravings that almost looked hand-carved into them. Orange swirls and shapes were carved into every inch now and Usopp stood shocked as he was handed the Kabuto. As he inspected it more the head of the weapon seemed to change as the rubber bands were now glowing slightly and it seemed to just feel more powerful.

"Woah... Franky, what happened to it?" Usopp said, stunned. The shipwright gave him a thumbs up, "I just made your slingshot 10 times more super! Now that thing will pack quite the punch to whoever is on the other end. I got the idea when I collected some rocks back in Laftale." Usopp smiled gleefully and looked over at Franky who was hugging his machine happily. "I need to ask Zoro if he'd wanna put his swords In here! Then he'll practically be unstop-"


The ship soon rocked heavily and Franky and Usopp were forced to grab hold of the pillars so they didn't go flying against the wall. The ship calmed down from the rocking and Frabky quickly turned back to see his Super Machine was destroyed by the impact.

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