Chapter 22: Arrival at Laugh Tale!, The King and Queen of the Pirates

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Here's another chapter and I hope you like it. There's an important message at the ending talking about a short week long break so I thought I'd let you know that there won't be a new chapter this week.

Credits to AverageOPenjoyer  for editing

Something big is gonna happen soon so I hop you look forward to that.

Anyways let's begin


The usual sounds of waves splashing against the ship were uncharacteristically gone. The Straw Hats had become used to at least a few waves hitting the sides of the ship, but not today.

Nami was one of the first to wake up, and once she walked out she noticed a thick blanket of fog surrounding the ship.

"That's weird? There was no indication of fog before I went to bed. Maybe it just showed up", Nami said.

She walked around the deck and smelt Sanji's cooking in the kitchen and began walking toward the door. But on her way to the door, she saw Zoro sitting on the ground, sleeping against the wall.

She recalled that it was Zoro's turn to be on night watch, so she walked over to him. He was snoring but Nami smacked him on top of his head lightly, which woke him up.

Zoro snapped awake and yawned loudly. He looked up at Nami and groaned, "What do you want, woman?".

Nami pointed at him and her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, "What I want is to know where we are. There was no indication of fog when I went to sleep and no waves were splashing at all". Zoro both sighed and groaned at the navigator and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what to tell you, there was a storm so I steered us out of it last night... you happy now?"

Zoro watched as Nami's entire face became blank and her eyes lost their color. It was as if she had a part of her soul taken out of her.

"You... what...", Nami asked as shadows covered her eyes.

"I got us out of the storm", Zoro said nonchalantly.

Zoro could sense something was wrong when the air around him became cold suddenly. Nami looked down at him again and she had a smile on her face. It was not a friendly smile though... it was the smile of a psychopath that was stalking their victim.

"Would you... say that again", Nami asked Zoro with a fake sense of calm. But Zoro didn't seem to care about her demeanor and just grunted in annoyance at having to explain himself again.

Nami abruptly turned around and clenched her hand into a fist as an aura of cold surrounded her.

She looked down to her right hand and smiled wickedly. She was planning on punching Zoro but she noticed the log pose was behaving oddly. The aura disappears once Nami brings her wrist up closer to her face for a better look.

The compass was pointed directly at the island in front of them and there was even a slight buzz heard coming from it. This has never happened before and Nami was giving the island an odd look as she stared at it.

'Where are we?', she thought.

There were blankets of trees on each side she could see. There seemed to be pillars on the underside of the island, just visible from above the water.

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