Chapter 33: The Straw Hat's vs The 3 Admirals

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A/N: hey here's the chapter and I hope you enjoy. The action is a bit messy but it's my first time writing it so I hope it's not too terrible. The story's reaching its end and I can't believe how big the story's has gotten in such a short time. The amount of people who I've discovered like Luffy x Yamato makes me unbelievably happy.

Anyways, let's begin.


'Damnit! This is going nowhere' thought Yamato as she swung her club at the incoming vines barreling towards her. She knew she didn't have much time left before the executioners would awaken from being knocked out which was bad news for Luffy. They had to find a way to push through the defenses.

And the admiral dueling her wasn't helping with her annoyance with the situation presented to her. She had to either get away from GreenBull, or she had to quickly finish him off soon, or else there was no chance she could make it.

Distracted by her thoughts, Yamato didn't see the vines that were currently heading from her right side. The vines pierced her skin and she gasped in pain as they forcefully threw her body against the wall. The wall crumbled as the Onis body crashed through it, making the concrete nearly crush her in the process.

"Gah!" Yamato breathed heavily as she tried her best to catch her breath, "how could I let myself be so careless in a time like this? Ahh... it's hard to think." As she caught her breath she rose to her feet wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and watched as Greenbull stared at her with a smirk on her face.

"You seem distracted girl... I won't complain, it makes what I'm about to do that much easier," Greenbull fixed his sunglasses and turned his fist into a jumble of vines and leaves. His hand swung back ready to strike but was stopped by a sudden hand holding his arm back. Greenbull looked down and saw several hands forming out of his back which held his hand back from behind able to finish his attack. Yamato turned her head and saw Jinbe and Nico Robin standing there beside each other. Robin used her devil fruit to keep him in place, and Jinbe was currently charging up an attack of his own.

"Fishman Karate! Vagabond Drill!"

A surge of water was launched forward at sonic speeds, causing Greenbull to be knocked back off his feet. She was surprised by the duo's assistance but she didn't care in the slightest as she smiled joyfully and waved at the two. Robin and Jinbe smiled and nodded. "Yamato! Me and Nico Robin will hold him off! Go and get Luffy!" Jinbei yelled. Nami, Usopp, Brook, and Chopper joined the other 2 to assist them in their fight against the admiral. Yamato looked forward at the stairs in front of her. She nodded and took off quickly running past the Admiral on the ground.

As Yamato breezes past the lower-ranking Marines Akainu watches the Admirals begin their fight with a shaking fist. He wished nothing more than to melt Straw Hat right now but he had orders. He had to make an example to anyone watching the broadcast.

"Sir! Urgent report from the East dock!!!" Screamed the voice of a concerned private. Akainu's hand grabbed the snail and clicked the button on top, "Report in, what's going on over there." The sound of the hound shattering was heard on the other side of the snail and the sound of running could also be heard.

"Sir!" The marine panted as he collapsed against the wall trying to catch his breath, "Several ships are arriving from the horizon! We see several notable pirates aboard most of them and that's not all. Straw Hats' grand fleet has been reported to be arriving from the south side!" Akainu nearly crushed the snail tight then and there as the snail began to ring once again. Several calls tried to reach the fleet admiral as explosions and chaos filled the air from each side of the island. Akainu breathed and allowed himself to calm down, thinking to himself that they had so many plans in place for the operation to be destroyed by some pirates.

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