Chapter 2: Aboard The Thousand Sunny

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A/N: here's another chapter for the story. Let's begin. Also I found out they Yamato did meet the crew already as Oden, Thank you Derriquethefreak for telling me i forgot.
Let's begin


The crew all looks at Luffy and the Oni as they both stand up from the flooring of the Sunny. They get more confused by the way Luffy was describing them.

"What do you mean? We've already met them", Usopp commented.

"That was Oden you met... I... I'm Yamato, Luffy helped me decide on who I'd follow", Yamato spoke while looking at the crew with a smile.

The just nodded not trying to go into the details any further. They knew she must have been a good fighter If she was able to help Luffy fight Kaido multiple times. 'And the two must be close if they were eating like that during the celebration' the crew all thought.

The first one to comment was Nami who sighed and then spoke up. "I'm at least glad there's another woman on our crew".

Robin chuckled lightly then looked up at the new crew member then smiled at her, "If Luffy accepts you then I have no reason to argue".

Usopp wasn't affected by the addition and was just happy she wasn't crazy. While Sanji was over the moon in excitement over a beautiful woman joining. He was spinning around in a circle and spoke in a lovey dicey voice. "A beautiful woman comes right into my arms this must be a dream! I'll go get you a drink my beautiful Mademoiselle". He said this before he dashed away into the kitchen.

"So you managed to convince a lady to help you beat her father and then have her join us... that sounds pretty SUPERRR!", came the voice of Franky who did his signature pose on the railing of the Sunny.

The joyous laughter of Brook brought everyone's eyes to him." YO HO HO HO HO HO this seems like the time for a song celebration. But before that, I must ask you something my lady. May I please see your pa-". He was cut short by Nami punching him in the skull sending him to the ground.

"HAVE YOU NOT ALREADY DONE ENOUGH SEXUAL HARASSMENT!!!", Nami yelled in anger. This caused Yamato to laugh at the ordeal.

Everyone smiled and at that moment Sanji ran out with a tray of 3 green-colored daiquiris and passed them out to Robin, Nami, and Yamato.
"Drink up my dears this is complimentary from the chef for all your untouchable beauties", Sanji spoke with heart in his eyes.

Yamato tried the drink and tasted faintly of lime and sake. The Oni smiled at the drink and looked over to the blonde chef. "This tastes great chef". Sanji then began to wiggle left and right as he started babbling words back at Yamato.

"Hey Sanji, I want one", Luffy said to the cook. Sanji stopped moving and looked over to the captain angrily, "TO BAD!". Luffy pouted and looked at him annoyed but before he could talk back in defiance he saw the glass appear in front of his vision being held by an arm above his line of sight. He looks confused then looks upward to see the new crew mate holding it down to him smiling.

"It's okay Luffy, you can try some of mine", the Oni said while smiling at her captain. Luffy smiles grabs the drink and slurps it all down in one gulp. Yamato laughs at him but Sanji seems less than pleased. "That was good Sanji, oh and thank you Yama-o", Luffy says.

"THAT WASN'T FOR YOU IDIOT!!", Sanji yelled burning in anger. Luffy laughs and looks over to Nami. "Hey Nami, we ready to go?".

Nami looks over at the helm and over to the sails. She turns around and smiles, "Yep everything is ready Luffy". Luffy nods and turns back to Yamato and asks her something. "Hey Yama-o, you ready? We were able to say goodbye to most of the people on our way here"

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