Chapter 25: The Search for Luffy! A Terrible Reality is Revealed

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Here's a chapter I've been looking forward to for a while now. I hope you enjoy


The Straw Hat Pirates sat patiently in the kitchen, waiting for their captain, who was running unexpectedly late.

"Uhhh... where's Luffy? He's normally the first one here", Usopp asked, surprised at the absence of his captain.

Nami and Robin didn't want to spoil the surprise for everyone, so Robin decided to answer in a way that soothes their worries, without giving anything away. " He went into town earlier, he has some business to attend to."

The crew, trusting Robin nodded and began to eat the meal Sanji prepared for them. All of them except for Yamato, who just stared down at her food.

For some odd reason, she felt as if something bad had just happened to Luffy. It wasn't like she could confirm it but she had a gut feeling. She tried to dismiss it since she knew how strong Luffy was, and she trusted him to handle himself, but the thought still lingered, nagging at her quietly.

"Is everything alright Yamato? You've been staring down at your plate for 2 minutes now", Jinbe said to the Oni. Yamato snapped out of her thoughts and looked around to see everyone staring at her with worry.

She rubbed the back of her head and smiled ( a trait she had picked up from Luffy) "I'm alright, it's just something odd I felt... no need to worry about it". The crew just slowly nodded and began eating.

Yamato looked out the window half expecting him to rush through, but sadly he did not. Her mood was brightened by her friends all talking among themselves so she began conversing with Zoro. She still had many questions about the Enma she needed answered.

The next morning

Yamato woke up in her bed still feeling the pit in her stomach from last night. Her hair was a mess so she walked to the bathroom and attempted to put her chopsticks in her hair but it took quite a bit longer than normal to do.

She took off her nightclothes and changed into her usual attire and walked out to the deck. This was the time when she and Luffy would usually play some games or other stuff like that. So she stood with a wide grin on her face as she waited for him to walk out of his room.

But he didn't come out

Yamato frowned and made her way towards the men's quarters.

She opened the door and yelled out "Luffyyyy! Are you in here?!". As the Oni finished calling out for Luffy, it caused everyone in the room to abruptly wake up due to Yamato's yell.

Chopper and Usopp both fell to the ground from their beds while Zoro scowled and looked at the Oni with anger.

"What the hell Yamato! I'm sleeping here!", Zoro yelled.

Sanji was quick to interject into the conversation, "Hey Moss head you don't yell at a lady like that!!! She can barge into the room all she wants~." Sanji was looking as happy as ever as the tall Oni was staring through the doorway.

Zoro scowled even more and butted his head against Sanji's. "Don't forget she isn't yours idiot cook! She's already taken", Zoro smirked as he saw Sanji recoil at that last statement.

"You don't think I know that moss head! Of course I know she's taken, you still should never yell at a lady".

As the two argued, Usopp rubbed his eyes from the ground and looked at Yamato. "What's this about Yamato?"

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