Chapter 8: I Care About You Yamato

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A/N: I don't own one piece

This came out quicker than I thought it would. I just had a drive to make a chapter so I sat down and got to writing and I hope you enjoy it.
Also if I ever plan to do another story worth these two I think I will probably give Yamato his male pronouns to be more accurate since I feel kinda bad about heaving female pronouns in this story still.

Anyways I'm not close to finishing this I have some more ideas to do so let's begin.

Thanks for 1k reads you all rock

(Warning: slightly steamy scene but no lemon)

"Hey chopper you wanna play some tag", Came the voice of Usopp as he approached the reindeer.

The reindeer's eyes shimmered and looked back to Usopp, "Really Usopp! Yeah let's go!", Chopper said enthusiastically.

Usopp laughed at his friend's happiness and the two walked out of Chopper's medical room. Usopp then thought that it could be a lot more fun with more people. "Hey, why don't we get Luffy and Yamato to join us. Those two can certainly bring some more chaos and excitement if they join".

Chopper thought for a moment and looked over it the sniper and said, "I think that's a great idea Usopp".

The two still laughing eventually looked toward the figurehead of the Sunny and didn't find Luffy there. "Huh, that's weird he'd normally be here by now", Usopp said scratching his chin.

The two check around for the next few minutes and can't find any sign of either of them. The two eventually give up and begin to head toward the pool to see if anyone had a clue.

"You don't think that they are on the island now", Chopper asked.

Usopp scratched his chin as he thought, "It's a possibility... let's just check the pool and if we can't find them then we'll just hop in".

Chopper walked ahead of Usop and walked up the stairs to the pool Franky built. Chopper reached the top of the steps and looked around and saw Luffy and Yamato.

"Usopp they're here", Chopper said waving his hand in the air toward the sniper.

"Great Chopper now we can plaaaaaaaa....", Usopp was talking but he felt his words evade him as he saw what was happening to the two.

Chopper was slightly confused as to what was happening but as he focused on the two his face turned into even more confusion. And Usopp was worse for wear than the reindeer. The sniper's jaw dropped and eyes budged out his head.

The two crew members had the sight of Luffy holding both of Yamatos horns and his lips were touching hers delicately.

And now with Yamato, she felt like her mouth was on fire. Luffy's lips were rubbery and smooth, and the feeling of his hand still on her horns almost made her groan.

Her eyes were still wide and her pale skin was now tomato red. Luffy was clearly inexperienced but so was Yamato so it balanced out a bit. She did however read about this kind of stuff in Odens Journal.

She recalled her short time with Ace and now that she finally met his brother he spoke so highly of. Not just that she was apart of his crew now she can safely say he was so much like Ace had described it was almost shocking how accurate he was. She was finally able to experience joy and love and it was all thanks to Luffy.

Ace would always be missed by Yamato and she deeply wishes he was still here. She was happy to have met Luffy. It was almost like there was a new adventure was now possible with Luffy. The warmth she felt in his presence was unlike any she'd felt before.

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