Chapter 14: Beach Day and Showing Off Gear 5

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A/N: I don't own one piece
here's a new chapter and I'm sorry it's been longer than I anticipated things just came up in my life.

I do have a part of gear 5 this chapter but I'm kinda decisive if I think I did a good job with it so if you have any complaints or recommendations about it I'm happy to hear them.

Anyways let's begin


As Nami looked toward the clouds above the island she could tell it was a summer island. As The Sunny came closer to the island the crew had all switched their attires to fit the islands climate better.

All the men on the crew had swapped their shirts and pants for swim trunks and no shirts. Nami, Robin, and Yamato were wearing their Orange, Purple, and White respectively. And Nami had a devious plan in store for both Luffy and Yamato.

After docking near the shore and having Frabky active the Ships bridge to extend towards the shore the crew was still deciding what they wished to do.

Zoro was sitting on the ground leaning against the Sunny and he saw Luffy jump down to the deck. He stared out to the island and had that goofy grin on his face.

"Hey Luffy, what you thinking of doing?", Zoro asked

"Hmmm... I don't know", luffys grin was present and Zoro grew a grin on his face.

"Gonna spend time with your lady?", Zoro's grin and sarcasm were apparent but since this Luffy, the teasing tone went over his head.

"Oh good idea Zoro!", Luffy then ran back up to the stairs and tan to the other side of the ship.

Zoro groaned but had a slight smirk on his face at his captain's behavior. Zoro was beginning to rest as he leaned back but soon heard the little pats of the Doctors' hooves on the ground.

"Robin! Robin! Robin! Can we please play on the beach!", Chopper's cheerful voice rang out as he waved his arms while he approached Robin.

Robin giggled and took his hoove in her hand and the two started to walk to the beach until Chopper's attention was grabbed and he stopped. "Hey Robin, can we invite Zoro?", He asked with his tone as cute as ever. Robin simply smiled at him and nodded to the young reindeer who in return had his face light up.

"Hey Zoro! Wanna come with me and Robin to the beach!?", He asked the swordsman who was leaning against the railing of the ship on the ground. Zoro opened his eyes and saw the joyful expression of Chopper and the smiling Robin who was giggling at the reindeer. Zoro took in his question thought about it for a bit and shrugged.

"Fine, it beats doing nothing", Zoro shrugged and got up and grabbed his katanas and put them on his hip. Chopper was jumping up and down with stars in his eyes as he quickly grabbed Zoro's hand and dragged the swordsman to the ramp. Chopper then took Robins hand and held both of their hands as all 3 walked to the beach with Chopper beaming with excitement.

Zoro had been interacting more and more with Chopper and he had grown attached to the little reindeer. He had been spending more time with Chopper since they left Wano and though he wouldn't admit it he had come to see Chopper somewhat as his son. He's tried to give the young man advice on their past adventures and he could tell the doctor looked up to him but he's recently sort of taken a more parental role than before.

So as he walked with the young reindeer and the older archeologist Zoro couldn't hide the smile he grew on his face as he looked down at Chopper's joyful face. The sight of Zoro with a full-on smile was rare but if anyone saw it they'd think something was wrong. But nothing was wrong and in fact, everything with this moment just felt perfect to the swordsman.

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