Halloween Special: A Straw Hat Halloween

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A/N: I don't own own piece

Well here's the Halloween special. I'd have spent more time on it if I didn't want it out on Friday the 13th. I think it turned out pretty well and I'd your confused about why I chose each outfit you can always ask why in DMs or even comments. After this I'll begin an actual arc for this story so stay tuned. It seems like people enjoyed Katakuri a few chapters ago so I have big plans For him in the future. If you enjoyed make sure to star the chapter and comment it helps a lot.

Big thanks to AverageOPenjoyer as always for proofreading you rock.

Anyways, let's begin


The Straw Hats were known for partying. This was well known to anyone who had spent any time with the crew, even those who just read about the crew could tell they liked to have a good time.

And when it came to holidays, the crew had always spent the time decorating the ship and partaking in said holiday activities.

And Halloween was one they enjoyed celebrating back 2 years ago in the grand line. But now, they had 2 more crew mates so it would be a special occasion.

The Sunny was decorated with traditional scary little decorations like tombstones, a fake spider, some fake ghosts, lanterns, coffins, and pumpkins.

For the past week, the crew had all carved their own pumpkins one by one which led to some interesting scenarios. It was a surprise when Zoro was asked by Chopper to be able to carve his own pumpkin.

Zoro smirked at the thought and handed Chopper the knife and watched him begin to carve his desired design into the already scooped pumpkin. Zoro was watching from the side with a smirk on his face at how happy Chopper was.

But that was soon gone when he saw the knife being taken out of the reindeer's hooves and placed on the ground. Zoro saw the sprouted hand disappear and Zoro squinted his eyes if he saw that right. So he got off the ground and walked up beside the confused Chopper but Zoro felt his back get goosebumps for some reason.

He turned to see Robin standing by the stairs with shadows covering most of her entire face but the small bits he could see made him gulp. He hadn't seen this look since the embarrassment that was pirate docking back in Thriller bark but that look was now directed at him.

He was dragged off by the angry protective woman and Zoro was very much scolded for allowing Chopper to use a carving knife. So Robin instead assisted him with carving much to Chopper's dismay.

But with all their carvings completed, they laid out in a row near the mast of the ship on the sitting circular bench that wrapped around the mast. Since each crew member carved their own pumpkin it was painfully obvious who carved each.

(A/N: It's kinda hard to actually imagine pumpkins being carved like this so just pretend it's possible)

Luffy had carved a small Straw Hat with a chicken leg carved beneath it

Zoro carved his 3 swords into one

Nami carved a money symbol

Usopp had put his slingshot kabuto on one

Sanji had a fork and knife carved along with a chef hat into his

Chopper (with assistance) had his top hat with the X he wore 2 years ago carved on his

Robin's pumpkin had a book and the silhouette of several hands spouting out of the pages

Franky had an outline of a basic ship with a wrench and hammer on each side of it

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