Chapter 17: A Growing Need

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Well 10 thousand reads has finally been reached. I'm so grateful for everyone reading this story and giving it a chance. It makes me very happy seeing the comments of people enjoying the story and all other sorts of comments. Im sorry you'll need to wait for one more chapter for it but don't worry it'll be next week.

This chapter has a small teaser for what's to come next chapter.

Well let's begin


Aboard The Thousand Sunny there were a lot of things to do to pass the time. But even with the many ways to pass the time while sailing, the crew was still susceptible to boredom. The crew had their ways of making sure it wouldn't happen though and Yamato had recently found herself in a situation where boredom was a constant issue for her.

Even though the Oni had Luffy, along with the others to spend time with she had been trying something new, and that new thing was reading. Robin had an incredible selection of novels and other literature and it was extremely surprising how she was able to tread them all. Every genre you could imagine, Robin had in the ship's library.

From historical books all the way to fictional stories there was no doubt Robin didn't like a good book. With all the books she had in the Library, she had read them all and been the main user of the library. Most of the crew had checked out at least one book and read it to past time. It was definitely a surprise to see Zoro reading a book about the history of swordsmanship but the days of sailing would bring people to do new things.

She even had some of the more ""special genres"" of books that she had in a drawer under one bookshelf. Robins's collection of more... adult books had to be hidden so as to not ruin Chopper's innocence.

Just before the crew has stopped at this island Robin had suggested a book to Yamato and she has been reading it inside the recording room for the log book. She was on her knees on the tatami mat reading and the plot has been gripping her attention from the start.

The book went by the name of "The Outlaw With No Name". In the book, it was all about a young outlaw simply gone by "The Stranger With No Name" from a town called Tombstone. He was something called a gunslinger which was a new term to Yamato but as she read she discovered that they were a group of people who wielded a special type of hun that were called 'revolvers' and they could fire them as quickly as the typhoons.

The book was about how this outlaw met a woman by the name of Elenor who was the daughter of another town mayor. She had been searching for someone to help free her town and the two had met while The Stranger was riding along his horse.

The calm Stranger had picked up the inquisitive Elenor and she told him all about her situation. This brought the Stranger to turn around and go confront the mayor of her town. He had confronted him and drew his revolver so quickly you could have blinked and missed it.

As Yamato read the book she could relate to Elenor's story and was seeing some parallels between her experiences in Wano and the story of the book. She had related further to the story with the romance the bloomed between the two main characters. But there were some stark differences between the stranger and Luffy. Mainly being that the Stranger was calm and didn't show much emotion while that's the opposite of Luffy.

She was beginning to finish the book and as she kept reading it began to make her feel... warm

As the book began bearing its conclusion the two characters had finally confessed to each other and the scene that was transpiring was something she didn't expect. Both of them were in a bed and with the scene going on further the two had foreign their clothes.

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