Chapter 6: A New Island and A Friendly Fight

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A/N: Here's a new chapter and this is a longer one. I hope you like it and if you have any comments you'd like to make or just wanna talk I'd be more than happy to respond. Let's begin


It's been one day since Luffy unintentionally revealed his feelings for Yamato to the crew but he has yet to do anything about it.

Luffy was currently fishing with both Usopp and Chopper on the upper deck of the Sunny fishing for lunch and not really thinking about what these feelings meant.

As they fish Usopp decided to look over at the captain to ask the a question still on his mind from yesterday. He looks around to make sure it's just them in the deck and he sees the deck is empty.

"Hey Luffy", Usopp asks

"What's up?", Luffy turns and looks at him.

"If it's okay for me to ask I have a question about Yamato?", Usopp says.

"What about her?"

"Well it's just... what about Yamato made you interested in her. Don't get me wrong she's great but it's like... you've met some beautiful women in our voyages together and some have definitely fallen for you. so I was just wondering why is it Yamato that made you fall for her?", Usopp says in a curious tone.

Luffy begins to think very hard about his answer and it's an odd question for him to try to answer.

'What was it about Yamato', Luffy thought.

He begins to think hard and touches his forehead with his hands to think harder. Was it her looks... no that's not it. Luffy may not be affected by women's bodies like Sanji but he can admit when someone's pretty.

Was it her personality... maybe. Their personalities match pretty well and they can seem to talk for hours without getting bored but that wasn't the main reason.

Then something crossed his mind

"It's because she just gets me, and because she's Yamato", Luffy says having his epiphany with a grin.

"Huh?", Usopp and Chopper ask with questions marks above their head

"I don't know how to describe it... it's almost like it's because she's herself around me and everything about her I like. We just understand each other and I feel an urge to talk to her", Luffy says while he shrugs his shoulders and then returns to fishing.

Usopp wasn't expecting... a mature answer like that one from Luffy. Just goes to show that their captain is still full of surprises. "Well... that's a very mature answer Luffy"

Chopper looks over to Usopp and asks him, "I don't get what's happening with Luffy but have you ever been in love Usopp?".

Usopp grins and points his thumb at himself before saying confidently, "You see Chopper, I have in fact been in love with the most beautiful girl in the world Kaya. I'm not known as the biggest ladies' man in the world for nothing".

Chopper's eyes light up into stars as he gasps at Usopp's statement, "Woah really!". Chopper says in a clear tone of wonder. Usopp laughs and says to Chopper, "Of course Chopper, no woman can resist Captainnnnnn Usopp".

Luffy began thinking about Boa after he said the title of the most beautiful woman in the world. Luffy heard her title many times during his 2 years of training when she visited.

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